
Thursday 27 June 2024

Debate: Biden Vs. Trump June 27, 2024; Update 2

I have been contemplating tonight's debate since it was first announced.

###   Update #1   2034-6-27 10:56 PM  EDT   ###

Boy, O Boy, was I wrong in this Blog posting.  

I was impressed by Biden.  

Biden did amazingly well.  He only fluffed and mumbled a few sentences, repeated a few lies, and distorted or denied the truth in non-obvious ways.

Will the dedicated Democrats see through his smoke screen?

Only time will tell.

I found that Trump repeated his opening soundbite too often, rather than providing additional layers of facts, examples, and solutions when he was presented opportunities to do so.

Perhaps, if Trump had additional hours outside of Court so as to better practice & prepare, he would have done better.

Hopefully, both candidates will have learned from this event, and the next debate will produce a clear winner.

To me, this debate was a draw.

Others think Biden showed his age, and lost the debate:

CNN says Democrats are now calling for Biden to immediately retire.

which somewhat aligns with my amateur prediction.

A 30 sec. clip that compares Trump vs. Biden leaving the CNN stage after the debate:

The end result, with Mr. O. described below in this Blog posting, is still the likely endpoint.

The Fall of Mystery Babylon is likely Sept. 15 to Oct. 17, 2024.

The 2nd Biden-Trump debate is Sept. 10, 2024.  It may be the beginning of the end for USA.

We will have to wait and see.

As proof that we are very near a huge, sudden change, God's Great Move, I refer you to Erin's latest Blog posting.  Erin is an End Times Prophetess of God.

Dream 824 – Everything is about to change!

Received on Thursday, June 27, 2024

Get ready.  Get close to God

### End Update #1   ###

###   Update #2, 2024-7-1 11:32 EDT   ###

Obama is now secretly lobbying to have Biden put out to pasture.

###   End Update #2   ###

Obviously, this event is much more than just the debate.

I heard that the Presidents will be allowed a pen, blank pad of paper to take notes, but no props, no notes, and no teleprompter.  That is when I decided to write this Blog post; posted 2024-6-27 7:25 EDT.

Three are sparring tonight (CNN, Biden, & Trump), but each of these contestants are mere proxies for the real powers; those back in the shadows.

Biden has likely been given many zingers, inuendo, half-truths, and lies with which to attack Trump. 

I suspect Biden's "Yes Men" and sycophants have lied, manipulated, gaslighted, distracted, humoured, teased, made fun of, and  embarassed Biden during the debate preparation; but never letting Biden in on the inside joke.

I suspect this is all Kabuki theatre meant to hurt Trump and destroy Biden.  All of America, if not the world, will be watching live.  They will likely witness Biden's self destruction, non-recoverable self immolation, implosion, and full exposure of the painful truth:   

Biden is already way too far gone for re-election.  

In fact, Biden cannot spend even one more hour as POTUS.

Immediately after the debate  I suspect Joe will be told to immediately resign, or Kamala will start the Article 25 removal of Joe.

I suspect as soon as Joe is gone, President Kamala will appoint Barrak O. as her new Vice President.

Shortly before or after the Senate confirms O. as VP, there will be trouble.

Kamala will be gone, O. will likely be wounded in his arm, right eye, and likely his brain as described in the Bible:

[Zec 11:17 KJV] "17 Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened."

It looks like he's dead, but O. will make a miraculous recovery, but will be permenantly changed by the experience  in more ways than one.

O. likely won't allow his disabilities to hold him back, as he soon rises to be the new dictator for all of Planet Earth, or the right hand man of the true power behind the throne.

We will soon see.

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