High Priority Posts

High Priority Posts

We live in troubled times. The 7 years of God's End Times likely begin on or about Sept. 17-28, 2020 with many tribulations occurring soon thereafter (ie. evil events by Satan &/or judgements by God).

If you suddenly die before you are a Born Again, True Christian, you are doomed to eternity in Hell. With End Times starting soon, many more people (thousands to millions to billions more) will die through Satan's evil plans. DO NOT ignore this warning, nor procrastinate!

Here is what you need to know, and take immediate action on:

1. Likely sequence of events during God's End Times Document Section, https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/p/documents.html

2. God's 26 Commandments for Christians (includes detailed instructions on how to become a Born Again True Christian): Document Section, https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/p/documents.html

3. Human Transition towards Eternity (Heaven or Hell). Every human will have eternal life; some in Heaven, most in Hell. This diagram describes who, how, when, and why someone goes to Heaven or Hell. https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2020/08/human-transition-towards-eternity.html

Monday 17 June 2024

Pentecost 2.0 for Overcomers, Rev. 1

In my previous posting ( https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2024/06/pentecost-20.html ), I added two updates as more data arrived.  This next quantum of data is so huge, a new post is warranted.

Erin, End Times prophetess of God, stated that Sunday June 16, 2024 is Sivan 10, and is Pentecost on God's calendar.


Using 5 intercalendry days per Enoch calendar format, rather than Jew's Babylonian corrupted calendar (ie. Enoch's Head of Year Day + 4 season change days, one every 90 days), with 30 days each month for all 12 months, we have a 365 day cycle.

This means that 2024-4-7 was intercalendry Head of the Year, and Apr. 8th was Nisan 1.

I checked Apr. 7, 2024 on Stelarium, and it shows Sun on the string between the two fish of Pisces, possibly at the "First Point of Aries", accounting for precession since antiquity.

Stellarium view of Sun's position
On 2024-4-9

Stellarium view of Sun's position
On 2024-4-9, proposed "Head of the
Year".  This shows Sun in conjunction
with Pisces, on the string between the two fish.  This should be at or near the "First Point of Aries", when adjusted for the precession over the millenia, which is likely the start of the year on God's calendar in 2024.

I double checked this re-calibrated calendar with Noah's account in Genesis 7 & 8, and it seems to confirm 1 year and 10 days, so it was a Jubilee year in Noah's 600th year & start of flood (see Ez 40:1, and Lev.25:9), which I learned about by video by Nick Vanderlaan, keeper of Official Enoch Calendar.

Therefore I accept Erin's prophecy as more likely true, than false.  I will leave the intense mathematical, definitive  proof to some Astronomy expert.


First Fruits was Apr. 28

June 16 was Shavuot (Pentecost).

All Watchmen:   Please adjust & re-calibrate all calendars.

Annointing & Sealing Overcomers for  God's Revival

I have been expecting God's Big Move for the last 8 years.  This is not Pre-Trib. Rapture as most hope & assume.

Instead, by the Bible, I understand God will have a Latter Day Rain, a pouring out of the Holy Spirit on Overcomers, volunteer Born Again obedient Christians who will help with God's Revival during End Times.

Overcomers are likely sealed & overflowing with God's Spirit, then go forth in the End Times period of darkness in 2024, to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, drive out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead, perform miracles, and do great exploits for the greater glory of God, and win souls towards Jesus Christ.

However, Pentecost 2024 has come & gone.  I do not feel overflowing annointment at Pentecost 2024. Does this mean I was left behind?

I checked.  No great multitude is missing.  I don't see dozens of postings from others who were baptized in fire by the Holy Spirit.  There is no huge uptick in any of the signs of Overcomers at work.  I conclude that I didn't miss out, and wasn't left behind.

Pentecost 2.0 (2024 version) has not yet occurred, in spite of Erin's prophecy.

How do we explain this?

One possible answer is Pentecost 2.0

At God's command, Moses created a 2nd Passover, 1 month later, for those who were unclean, or on a great journey during the first Passover.

​​​​​​​Can we assume there would also be a second Pentecost to match the second Passover?

While the tongues of fire came at the regular Pentecost in 30 AD, perhaps the tongues of fire come at Pentecost 2 in 2024, which would be July 16, 2024.

For this July 16th date, I will wait & pray.

###   Update #1   2024-6-19 11:19 EDT   ###

WW3 Attack Against USA

Watchman Jarrett at Supernatural By Design just released a video "Something Big is on the Horizon"


In that video, Jarrett proposes that planet locations during an eclipse (solar or lunar) will predict what will happen next time that planet enters the constellation representative of the respective nation.  

Jarrett suggests that Taurus & Virgo represents Israel, and Gemini represents USA.  

Both Saturn and/or Mars are harbingers for USA's War of 1812, WW1, WW2, World Trade Centre Attack #1 in 1993, and WTC Attack #2 in 9/11/2001.

For Israel, Taurus is the alert, and Virgo is the trigger.

On that basis, Jarrett warn of an attack against USA, similar to WTC 9/11,  sometime between 2024-9-6 and 2024-10-17.

I suggest this is likely WW3 with a surprise nuclear attack by Russia, with China & N. Korea adding kicks when the USA is already down.

Once that occurs, the Muslim horde will likely launch an all-out attack against Israel, prompting God to step in and save His remnant.

The T2 date on our End Times Timeline, currently estimated as 2024-6-14, or possibly as late as 2024-6-24, is likely the opening of a new front in Psalm 83 War, adding a hot war with Lebanon to the current mix.

As Russia is allied with Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Russia does not consider Hezbollah to be a terrorist organization, this addition to Israel's Psalm 83 War will likely worsen relationships between the West and Russia; adding fuel to the predicted Sept-Oct. 2024 attack against USA.

As 2024 proceeds, and Biden & the Democrats look more & more likely to lose to Trump under a fair election, the desire to cheat, &/or upset the whole table & chess board becomes irresistible.  They may pull a last minute switch via Article 25, Kamala appoints Barrak as her replacement, then an "accident" moves Barrak into 1st. place as the son of perdition.

This may mean that Israel's Psalm 83 War will finally end in Oct. to Nov. 2024, with the rise of the AntiChrist.

Time will tell.

###   End Update #1   ###

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