
Saturday 21 May 2022

God Saves Israel

No one else could do it, so God will soon have to save Israel so as to fulfill His covenant.

I have been writing about God's Big Move for some time now:

Before today, I wasn't sure what exactly "God's Big Move" referred to.

Erin, a Prophetess of God (see: ) has been recording the repeated quotation of  Habekuk 1:5 by Jesus Christ in her prophecies, as follows:

[Hab 1:5 KJV] "[5] Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you."

The first occurrence of this that I could find was in Dream # 204 on 2016-06-05.  Since then, the same or similar quote (ie. It is written...) has occurred again & again, sometime with just 7 days between repeats, other times with a maximum of 305 days in-between repeats, and with an average of one repeat quotation of Hab. 1:5 every 72 days over the last 6 years.  Here is a graph showing the frequency of Hab. 1:5 in Erin's prophecies:

Frequency of Hab. 1:5 in Erin's prophecies, from
7 to 305 days elapsed, averaging every 72 days,
during last 6 years.

Julie, another prophetess of God (Ref.: ) has also quoted Hab 1:5, but less frequently that Erin.

I think I can now make an educated guess as to what Hab. 1:5 means in Year 2022.

I believe Psalm 83 is about to be fulfilled.  For more info on Psalm 83, see my prior postings: 

Psalm 83 was a prayer for God to rescue Israel from their conspiring enemies (ie. modern day Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Gaza, Palestinians, and Jordon).

I understand there is no historic record of these countries conspiring against Israel in the past.  

Knowing that the Bible is God's Word, and knowing that the Bible has never been proven wrong, Psalm 83 must therefore be a future prophecy, not yet fulfilled.

Iran is 1 to 2 weeks away from being able to construct a nuclear bomb (see: ).  The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) re-negotiation has ended in failure.  Iran has carefully run the clock out, buying them the necessary time to build their atomic bomb while negotiating.  

North Vietnam did the exact same thing as Iran is doing today (ie. negotiate to run out the clock, buying time to do the next best thing to a negotiated settlement; maybe even a better thing) with US President Nixon in 1968-69, spending 2 years discussing whether the Paris Peace Talks (to end the Vietnam war) would be done at a round or square table (Ref.: ).  Some people (and countries) never learn.

Iran wants to have no sanctions against them, free to do any nuclear thing they please, and have all their frozen assets released.  Once all that occurs, they will likely finish building a nuclear weapon, then bomb Israel, permanently removing Israel and all Israelites from Earth.

Israel wants to pre-emptively prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon on a permanent basis, and obtain permanent "peace & safety".

USA wants to implement the Progressive Democratic agenda, thereby destroying USA and all other nations so as to create a New World Order, where a handful of billionaire and a few millionaires are the permanent rulers of Earth, the world population is reduced to 500 million people (ie. a 93% die off of the nearly 8 billion humans currently on Earth), and everybody who is left alive will own nothing, but are happy (or else they are labeled a "mal-content" and eliminated), and are the slave class under the ruling billionaires.

If (or when) Israel attacks Iran, all of the Shia Muslim around Israel (The Psalm 83 Gang) will likely attack Israel immediately.  Over 200,000 rockets currently exist to attack Israel, some able to carry WMD's (ie. Weapons of Mass Destruction), such as Sarin nerve gas, Mustard Gas, liquid Chlorine gas, high explosives shrapnel anti-personnel warheads, etc.  At the size of Israel, that is one rocket for every 30 acres or so of land.  Many of the rockets are GPS controlled, accurate to +/- 5 meters, +/- 30 ft.  Once the bombardment begins at more than one rocket per second, Israel's Iron Dome, David's Sling, and Arrow anti-missile systems will be overwhelmed.

The rockets attacking Israel cost about $5,000 to $20,000

According to previously published estimates, the cost of one interceptor missile is around $50,000 for Iron Dome, $700,000 to $1 million for David’s Sling and about $2.7 million for Arrow 2. At around $2.2 million each, the interceptor missiles for Arrow 3 are slightly cheaper.

Therefore Israel is at an economic disadvantage with every missle they shoot down.

When it gets really bad, all of Israel will appear to be doomed.

That is when God will step in and save Israel.  God will likely do it in a way that makes it totally obvious to everybody on the planet that God exists, and God is protecting His remnant in Israel.

Soon after, I suggest there will be a flood of Jews from every nation who want to emigrate to Israel, so as to be personally involved in this movement of God.

Psalm 83 War, &/or Ukraine-Russia war, &/or limited nuclear war will prepare the way for the rise of the Anti-Christ (likely Barrak Obama).

Erin's latest prophecy says that 2 major events are coming, to shake the nations, so that all will know that God exists, and God is in control

While Psalm 83 war is likely one of these events, what is the 2nd event?  If you think you know, or want to make a guess, share it in the comments below.

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