High Priority Posts

High Priority Posts

We live in troubled times. The 7 years of God's End Times likely begin on or about Sept. 17-28, 2020 with many tribulations occurring soon thereafter (ie. evil events by Satan &/or judgements by God).

If you suddenly die before you are a Born Again, True Christian, you are doomed to eternity in Hell. With End Times starting soon, many more people (thousands to millions to billions more) will die through Satan's evil plans. DO NOT ignore this warning, nor procrastinate!

Here is what you need to know, and take immediate action on:

1. Likely sequence of events during God's End Times Document Section, https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/p/documents.html

2. God's 26 Commandments for Christians (includes detailed instructions on how to become a Born Again True Christian): Document Section, https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/p/documents.html

3. Human Transition towards Eternity (Heaven or Hell). Every human will have eternal life; some in Heaven, most in Hell. This diagram describes who, how, when, and why someone goes to Heaven or Hell. https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2020/08/human-transition-towards-eternity.html

Friday 28 January 2022

Canada's Food Supply

If you don't live in Canada, you will likely not be immune, as the same or similar events will soon travel world-wide.

Canada's Food Supply

Canada is a huge producer & exporter of food:  8th largest in the world, US$ 21.8 Billion/year in food exports.  

In spite of this, could there soon be a food shortage in Canada?

About 90% of Canada's supply of fruits & vegetables are imported from California.  Most of the rest is imported from Mexico & Central America via trucks passing through USA.

Currently there is a shortage of truck drivers in USA, about 50,000 jobs have no trucker to fill the vacancy.

This means that truck drivers can easily pick & choose who they work for, where they work, what loads they take, what routes they serve.  If the route to & from Canada is made inconvenient or frustrating, truckers will instantly shift to all the other companies, routes, & loads currently begging for their time & help.

California has passed environmental emissions rules that prevent 50% of all diesel trucks in USA from entering California.

Trudeau and Biden have now closed the USA-Canada border to all truck drivers who are not vaccinated, or be forced to do a 2 week quarantine.

About 40% of US truck drivers are not vaccinated.  At least 15% of Canadian truck drivers are not vaccinated; likely more.

It is going to be extremely difficult to get sufficient  truckloads of fruits & vegetables from California, &/or through USA so as to feed Canadians.

There will likely be empty shelves and rising prices in Canada. 

I suggest you fill your freezer now, and get an additional freezer.  

Buy enough seeds for next 3 years to plant a LARGE garden to feed both your family & your neighbours.  Seed supplies will likely soon disappear.

With Grand Solar Minimum (see https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2022/01/grand-solar-minimum-is-here.html ), cooler weather, risk of frost & hail damage throughout the growing season, drought, etc. will make growing food more difficult to impossible on large commercial scale; and difficult on a home scale.

Most people will be ignorant, or  choose to ignore this warning, or will be unwilling or unable to act so as to save themselves, or wrongly assume the government will take care of it,  or will not have God to protect & comfort them.  

Therefore, rising hunger, panic, fear, and anger will likely occur in 2022.

Tuesday 25 January 2022

EndTime's 6 World Players, Update #1

Canada, USA, China, Russia, Israel, and the Globalists will all be playing a key role in world affairs over the next few years.

As Canadians, we need to get ready for what soon comes.

It is therefore important that you read all of the following link carefully. 

I suggest you personally, will soon have an important role to play in all this. 

Will you participate, or turn away, to focus on your favorite distractions?

The Black Dragon referenced in the above link is likely USA's Past-President Barrak Obama, as front man for the Globalists.  However, I may be wrong on this point.  I'm 80% sure I'm right.  Time will tell.

Has the Black Dragon already infiltrated USA's Whitehouse?  Watch the follow Freudian slip, and foreshadowing, possibly exposing the Black Dragon's hidden involvement.

### Update #1, 2022-01-29 ###

Erin has another prophecy, explaining that the Fern Hollow bridge collapse on Forbes St., Pittsburg, PA USA on 2022-01-28 was a harbinger for the soon economic collapse of the USA.

Will the US economy collapse slowly, like a slow leak on a tire; or will it be a sudden catastrophic blowout, taking just a few seconds (here today, gone tomorrow) like the bridge collapse?

The bridge was built in 1970, so it was more than 50 years old.  It has been is poor condition for more than 10 years, needing $1.5 million in "urgent" repairs.  Instead of fixing it, the Municipal, State, and Federal governments procrastinated.  The collapsing bridge injured 10 people, broke open a natural gas pipeline that the bridge supported (which could have caused a major explosion & fire), removed an important arterial road for Pittsburg, blocked the city's largest & most important park,  polluted the stream below, and raised the cost to restore the bridge to over $12 Million, most likely.

A stitch in time does save nine!

If the US economy collapses, how will Canada's economy, Europe, and the rest of the world stay afloat?

It can't.

Additional details are provided on Canada's Prime Minister Trudeau's secret dealings, alignment with China, Chinese Communist Party, World Economic Forum, and special interest groups.

Is Justin the only guilty one in all of Canada's Federal, Provincial, Territorial, Regional, and Municipsl governments?

I doubt it.

Will Justin and his co-conspirators confess & repent all, or will God have to expose them before they flee like cockroaches?

Time will tell.

In the meantime, they plot, they crush, they persecute Canadians with their draconian edicts; while at the same time, Christians pray for their confession, repentance, and salvation.

### End Update #1, 2022-01-29 ###

If you are intrigued by the info in the above link, your next best step is reading the Acrobat pdf file God's 26 Commandments for Christians.

This file contains important info that will help protect you & your family from what soon comes.


Monday 10 January 2022

Canada's Free North Declaration

We have watched and listened to the following 26 minute video:


We have read the Free North Declaration, and agree with it:


As of 2022-01-10 there have been 76, 890 concerned Canadian, plus 534 lawyers who have signed this Declaration, for a total of 77, 424 people.

Canada's population is 38.01 million, but there is only 27.373 million eligible to vote.  Therefore the 77,424 that have endorsed the Declaration is only  0.283% of Canadian voters as of today; far from a majority.

Do you enjoy your personal freedom for what foods your buy at grocery store, how & when you assemble those ingredients onto meals for your family?  Do you like choosing what TV shows to watch, and choosing what music is your favorite?  Do you like choosing the style & colour of clothing you wear?

How would you feel if the government ordered the preferred choices for all the sbove, and all other choices you currently enjoy?

For example, in a democracy of 3 people, the majority of 2 can vote to make the 3rd. person the permanent slave of the other two, stripping the underdog of all their rights and freedoms.  Democracies offer no protection for minorities.

In a republic (like the USA), and a  Constitutional Monarchy (like Canada) there are constitutional limits and protections for collective minorities and all individuals from the tyranny of the democratic majority.  

In Canada, those protections for every individual and minorities are called the Canadian Constitution,  the Charter of Rights & Freedoms, the Bill of Rights, and other supportive legislation (eg. Privacy law PIPEDA, medical confidentiality under Personal Health Information Protection Act, PHIPA in Ontario, and similar in other Provinces, etc.).

Unfortunately, it currently appears the majority of our fellow citizens have been duped by the COVID swindlers and con artists.  So severely blinded by the swindlers, like a Stockholm Syndrone, this same majority will likely call for the protection of the COVID swindlers, and insist that all citizens must be COVID swindled by these COVID con artist, so that nobody escapes.

Unfortunately, the majority of Canadians wrongly assume we live in a democracy where the majority rules.  Instead, Canada is a constitutional monarchy where the minorities still have unalienable rights that the majority cannot ride over roughshod, or dismiss as an inconvenience or triviality.

In spite of the rights of the minorities, if the blind majority have their way, the COVID wolves and the swindlers  will soon be granted a license to own and eat all the sheep.

Where is the good Shepherd who will  protect His sheep?  

When will the Good Shepherd arrive to protect His sheep?

Sunday 9 January 2022

Twin Surprise Conversation


Just before their birth, a pair of twins were having a conversation about the last 9 months, and what comes next ...


Saturday 8 January 2022

KJBC-M Sabbath Service 2022-01-08


Bible Study:   God's Word, Man's Use & Mis-use of God's Word, Characteristics of God's Word, Jesus is God's Word


Grand Solar Minimum Is Here

Grand Solar Minimum is now here.

I previously posted about the likely occurrence of a Grand Solar Minimum in 2020 to 2028.  See:


Most people are aware of Sun Spots.

Fewer people know that the number and size of sunspots increase and decrease on an 11 year cycle.

Fewer still are those who know about the additional solar cycles of 11.4, 18, 22, 38, 41, 55, 58, 59.2, 65, 66.6, 76, 78.8, 80, 82, 82.6, 83, 84.6, 86.5, 87, 87.8, 88, 88.4, 90, 91.5, 92, 92.42, 93, 95, 105, 130, 167, 202, 206, 210, and 350 years.

It appears that we have now entered an extraordinary period of the sun, when all of these different solar cycles align, so that the minimums from all or most of these sun's energy output cyclic waves now overlap, creating a Grand Solar Minimum.

Note that most or all of man's climate models assume that the Sun always output the exact same energy, every hour, every day, forever.  Not so!

Dr. Valentina Zharkova, of Northumbria University did some fantastic statistical analysis of 10 years of NASA satellite data on the sun's activity and energy output, frequency distribution, and similar factors , and predicted the Grand Solar Minimum.


Total solar energy will be at a minimum for 2020 to approx. 2028, then slowly climbing back to normal energy output.

The Grand Solar Minimum may, or likely cause &/or contribute to killer frosts for most months of the year, and colder average temperatures and lower sunlight level, all which stunt growth &/or killing most agricultural production, likely resulting in world-wide famines.

Many backyard chicken farmers, and small flock farmers (me included) found that their chickens mysteriously began molting the Fall of 2021.  I had to add an extra hour to the duration of  lights in the coop (always 16.5 hrs/day for last 10 years, now raised to 17.5 hrs in Oct. 2021, and continuing till 2028 ?) so as to stop the molting, and resume full egg production.  This would indicate that the strength of the sun was insufficient to maintain egg production.

So much for the vicious rumor of Global Warming.   Hah!

Curtis Stone, Canada's leading expert on Urban Farming, discusses the impact on food production with Christian, the Ice Age Farmer:


Here are some important links & thoughts on affordable food, food shortages, and famines.

Ice Age Farmer's resources on YouTube:   



Why we need affordable, nutritious food:



Un-affordable Chicken in Ontario

Chicken is the cheapest available meat on a $/lb basis.  If you can't afford chicken, you are forced to be a Vegetarian.  That is why high quality, nutritious chicken that is affordable for all households, even the poor, is essential.





Food Prices in Canada's North



Nutritious Food


For an example of depleted food, let's talk about potatoes, the #1 vegetable in North America.  Potatoes used to be an excellent dietary source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, B6, potassium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, B3, fiber, and pantothenic acid.  Over the last 50 year, potatoes have lost 100% of their Vitamin A, lost 50% of their Vitamin C, and lost 30% to 60% loss of most of the other trace nutrients (see Globe & Mail:


and UK's Guardian

It isn't just potatoes that have been depleted.  Broccoli 83% loss, tomatoes 91% loss, carrots 36% loss, and most other expensive fruits and vegetables have suffered similar fates.

Jo Robinson, author of Eating on the Wild Side, has shown that heirloom varieties of corn have up to 64.6 times more anthocyanins (ie. a type of phytonutrient that's good for us to eat) than the standard white corn of today.

Financial benefit of growing your own

Squash, pack of 25 seeds, sold for $1.89

Each seed produces 3 squash, @ 2 kg per squash

25×3×2=150 kg of squash in your garden for $1.89 plus your time to plant, weed, cultivate, & harvest.

In store, seasonal price of squash is $1.50/lb

Cost to buy in grocery store= $1.50/lb×150 kg produced×2.2 lb/kg= $495 to buy 150 kg of squash in grocery store

Savings=$495-1.89= $493.11

ROI (Return on Investment) $=
=493.11/1.89×100%= 26,090%

Banks offers 5%/yr return on some financial investments.  Stock market may offer 20% return on investments.

God offers 26,090% return on investing in His soil and His life giving seeds.

Grow your own garden using animal manure as fertilizer, shunning ALL chemical fertilizer, herbicides, pesticides, algaecides, etc.

With high quality soil, your plants are naturally healthy, and you don't need all those chemicals.

If you have poor, depleted soils, that plants will be half-dead at best, and too weak to fend off diseases, pests, and bad weather, resulting in poor nutrition in the food produced, &/or plant dies before it can produce any food.