High Priority Posts

High Priority Posts

We live in troubled times. The 7 years of God's End Times likely begin on or about Sept. 17-28, 2020 with many tribulations occurring soon thereafter (ie. evil events by Satan &/or judgements by God).

If you suddenly die before you are a Born Again, True Christian, you are doomed to eternity in Hell. With End Times starting soon, many more people (thousands to millions to billions more) will die through Satan's evil plans. DO NOT ignore this warning, nor procrastinate!

Here is what you need to know, and take immediate action on:

1. Likely sequence of events during God's End Times Document Section, https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/p/documents.html

2. God's 26 Commandments for Christians (includes detailed instructions on how to become a Born Again True Christian): Document Section, https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/p/documents.html

3. Human Transition towards Eternity (Heaven or Hell). Every human will have eternal life; some in Heaven, most in Hell. This diagram describes who, how, when, and why someone goes to Heaven or Hell. https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2020/08/human-transition-towards-eternity.html

Thursday 30 July 2020

COVID-19 Vaccination, or Mark of the Beast?

There have been thousands of speculations as to how the Mark of the Beast would be achieved.

We now have a prophecy from Jesus Christ that the Mark of the Beast will be part of the COVID-19 vaccination that will begin later this year.

Here is Julie Whedbee's prophecy:

Julie provided the following links in reference to her prophecy:

The testimony of Dr. Carrie Madej,MD on her 2 decade long study of vaccines, and this planned COVID-19 vaccine. 

The comprehensive prayer to cleanse yourself, and close any satanic portals you previously opened:

I have also been studying recent technology that may have a satanic application during End Times.

I thinks the most important is the recent development of a special infra red sensitive dye called "Luciferon" (yes, that's right, they even used Satan's other name, Lucifer).  See:  

In addition, they developed a grid of microneedles to inject Luciferon into your skin, creating a micro grid dot pattern (ie. a semi-permanent tattoo) that can be remotely recorded and sensed.  This would be done on your hand or forehead, so that it is generally visible to facial recognition surveillence cameras.  See:


Putting these two technologies together, governments can vaccinate us, then easily verify who has been vaccinated by the Quantum Dot system, the Mark of the Beast.

Contaminating our Human DNA

The COVID-19 vaccine isn't a normal vaccine.  It appears they are planning to use an 

Moderna Therapeutics started the RNA vaccine craze about 10 years ago.  Others piled on, but it isn't easy technology, so most competitors gave up.  Venture Capitalists have so far ensured their investment was safe and growing in Moderna, but now grow worried.  Moderna is #1 in biotech, yet has never delivered on its promises.  The company is now worth more than $30 Billion, and needs a "Hail Mary pass".  A government mandated COVID-19 vaccine requiring 7.5 billion doses might save them from imploding like Theranos previously did. 

Follow the money, the love of it being the root of all evil.  See

mRNA vaccines can cause major side effects, such as inflammation, autoimmune diseases, and sudden death from cytokine storms or equivalent.

Due to governmental panic, standard precautions and testing for this COVID-19 virus have been deleted, drastically changed, or sped up.

Therefore, there is a significant risk of creating something similar to a Zombie Apocalypse, Polio Epidemic, Thalidamide Disaster, or Mark of the Beast.  Take your pick.

How is your DNA Altered?

CRISPR-Cas-9 DNA editing and sequencing technology can quickly and easily edit someone's DNA sequence permanently.  Cas-9 has recently been discovered to make unintended DNA edits, so isn't as perfect as once thought.

Therefore, the use of mRNA is now preferred, as it is believed to be semi-permanent, lasting just weeks or a few months.  Of course, that is just current speculation.

Therefore, in the end, it a giant experiment, and nobody but God knows for sure.

Bio-hackers, working in their kitchen, basement, or garage have been experimenting with DNA enhancement of themselves.


As Jesus warned, this makes you non-human in God's eyes, permanently disqualifying you for Heaven.  Since everybody either goes to Heaven or Hell, being disqualified for Heaven then must logically guarantee you a non-cancelable reservation in Hell.

Vaccine Liability

COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers around the world have sought, and most or all have already received indemnification from the governments so that the drug company has no liability for any claims from damages, death, disease, or losses directly of indirectly related to the COVID-19 vaccine.  See:   https://www.zerohedge.com/political/moderna-covid-19-vaccine-induced-adverse-reactions-more-half-trial-participants

In other words, the drug companies have little or no confidence in what they are doing.

Should you?

In the initial test of the COVID-19 vaƧcine on human guinea pigs, more than half of the patients had adverse reactions, getting worse with the 2nd dose, and getting worse as more vaccine was injected (dose dependant).  One patient was dropped from the tesearch after they developed a severe case of hives after the first injection.

Major side effects in this life, and eternity in Hell in the next life.  

Any questions?

Any doubts on what to do?

It is for these reasons you must reject mRNA, CRISPR-Cas-9, and all similar technologies, whether used in a COVID-19 vaccine, a cancer treatment, or elsewhere.

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Mystery Babylon, USA

USA is Mystery Babylon, and will soon be destroyed in 1 day. 

Come out of her, confess your sins, turn away from evil and follow God's Commandments before it is too late.

Here is a prophecy about America's sins and her destruction.

Isaiah 13, Jerimiah 50-51, and Revelation 18 aren't speaking about the ancient past, nor about Islam and Mecca, they are speaking about USA.

Can Canada be smug and content that they dodged the bullet?  Is Canada saintly compared to the sinful USA? Is Europe much better, or just as bad, just as broken, just as fallen away as what USA has become.

There are both good and evil people in every country.

The Prophecy Club says this about Dumitru (pronounced "De-mee-tree") and his prophecy:

"Dumitru was a Romanian Pastor who smuggled Bibles into Romania and Russia for thirty years. He was arrested and put through 5 months of torture culminating with them putting him on the electric chair TWICE!

As he was on the electric chair with electricity going through him the angel Gabriel showed up in the room and told him he was not going to die. He was going to America to give them a warning from God. That was 1980. He was exiled to America in 1994. The angel came to him again.

He said, “I brought you to this country. Dumitru, I want to wake up a lot of people. I love this country. I love the people. I want to save them. America will burn.”

And I said, “How can I save them. I can’t even speak their language? Who knows me here? How will they call me?”

He said, “Don’t worry. I will be ahead of you. I will make great healings among the American people. You will go to television stations, radio stations, and churches. Tell them everything I tell you. Don’t hide anything. If you try to hide anything, I will punish you. America will burn.”

“How will America burn? It is so powerful.”

The fall of America will start with an internal revolution in America, started by the Communists. Some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans, Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Central America, Mexico, and two other countries, will attack! The Russians will bombard the nuclear missiles in America. America will burn.”
God will raise up China, Japan, and many other nations and they will beat the Russians. They will push them back to the gates of Paris. There they will make a peace treaty, but they will make the Russians their leader. All the nations with the Russians as their leader, go against Israel. It’s not that they want to. God makes them.

Israel doesn’t have the help of the Jews in America anymore. In their terror, when they see what is coming. They call upon the Messiah. The Messiah will come to help Israel.
I said, “If you are the angel of God. Everything you tell me has to be written in the Bible. If it is not, then I can’t tell the Americans.”

“Tell them to read Jeremiah 51: 8-15, he names it THE MYSTERY BABYLON, THE GREAT ADULTERESS. Also, REVELATION CHAPTER 18, the whole chapter. There it says clearly what will happen to America.”

“Why did he name it THE MYSTERY BABYLON?”

“Tell them because all the nations of the world immigrated into America, and America accepted them. America accepted Buddha, the devil church, the Sodomite church, the Mormon church, and all kinds of wickedness. America was a Christian nation. Instead of stopping them, they went after their gods. Because of this, he named them THE MYSTERY BABYLON.

So you know that I truly have been sent by God. Tomorrow, at 9:00 AM, someone will come to give you a bed. At 10:30 AM someone will come to pay your rent. At noon, someone will bring you a car, and give you a bucket of honey.”

Brothers, it happened as the angel had said. At 9:00, someone rang my doorbell and said, “I brought you a bed. I could not sleep all night long. God told me that you were from Romania, and that you need a bed.” At 10:30, someone else rang my doorbell and handed me a check for $500 and said, “God told me to bring you $500!” At noon someone came and gave me a car and a bucket of honey!

The Solution

If you live in a world of sin, you must be a child of God and follow God's commandments if you are to be safe, and saved from destruction, and an eternity in Hell.

Here are your detailed instructions.  Be quick, as time is short.  Destruction is coming soon.

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Time is Short, Jesus is Coming Soon

Time is short.  You may be at huge risk if you aren't aware of what soon comes.

The rise of the AntiChrist is likely coming on or about Sept.17-19, 2020.  To pave the way for the AntiChrist, there will likely be war, maybe limited nuclear war.  Thousands to millions to billions may soon die.  If you die in your sins, you will be going to Hell for eternity.

God's Free Solution for Avoiding Hell

You need to confess your sins, believe in Jesus Christ and His offer of salvation through His blood on the cross, become a Born Again Christian, get baptized, repent all of your sins, forgive everybody you are upset with, obey God's 26 Commandments for Christians (10 in Old Testament, 16 more in New Testament, 26 total), and quickly develop an intimate, loving relationship with Jesus Christ through praying continuously to God your Father in Heaven.

Here are your detailed instructions to avoid Hell, & get to Heaven:


If you are waiting for the Rapture, you may be disappointed.  Numerous prophets have indicated that Rapture is false doctrine, and likely will not be occurring.  If this is true, you need to quickly take all your eggs out of the Rapture basket, and quickly get a Plan "B".

Options & Choices

If you are one of the better humans on the planet, and/or already have a strong, loving relationship in Jesus Christ, you may be good enough to be deemed an Overcomer.  In this case, you will likely receive a huge dose of the Holy Spirit (ie.  Pentecost 2) on or before Sept 19, 2020 so that you can go forth for the next 3.5 years (during the rise of the AntiChrist) preaching the Gospel, doing miracles, converting as many souls to Christianity as possible, and frustrating Satan.

However, if you take the Mark of the Beast, or allow your DNA to be modified so that you receive a basic income from Satan's governments, and be able to buy & sell during the AntiChrist's 3.5 year reign, then you are doomed to Hell (ie. Lake of Fire) where you will be tormented and burn for ever and ever.  Once you take this fatal step, there is no way to undo it; it's permanent.  You have a guaranteed reservation in Hell, party of one.  Enjoy your stay!

If you procrastinate, or do it halfheartedly, or ignore it all together, then you will have to suffer through the Great Tribulation (likely 3.5 years) of suffering God's judgements, and Satan's persecution.  There are then 3 choices:
  1. Stand & fight against Satan and his 1-World dictatorship.  Live by the sword, die by the sword is what the Bible says.
  2. Surrender yourself to the government, or be captured by them.  For refusing to take the Mark of the Beast, or being a Born Again Christian, you will be persecuted, imprisoned, charged, convicted, and sentenced to death by Satan's 1-World dictatorship government.  If you don't recant your testimony for Jesus Christ and take the Mark of the Beast, you will likely be beheaded within the next 10 days as a martyr for Jesus Christ.  Congratulation!   You earned a seat in Heaven the hard way..
  3. Run, hide, find one of God's Sanctuaries, or live on the land while Satan tries to hunt you down with the best of all available technologies and manpower.  You will likely fall back into one of the previous two categories.  If you somehow survive on your own for the next 3.5 years, and become a Born Again Christian that meets all of the previous criteria during that time, then you will be Raptured to Heaven for peace and happiness for an eternal life.  If you still don't meet all the above criteria for a true Born Again Christian at the end of your 3.5 year ordeal, all your efforts evading Satan was a waste, for you will be going to Hell as a non-Christian (or luke-warm Christian).
Here is Julie's latest prophecy from Jesus Christ explaining some of the details:

Julie doesn't set dates.  The source of the Sept. 19, 2020 date is derived from my previous postings (see https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2020/07/start-of-gods-tribulation-confirmed.html ), and from additional research by others, disclosed here:

Coincidences, or God's Plans?

I find it interesting that there is an asteroid names "Lucifer" (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1930_Lucifer ), and it just happens to be in proper alignment during the 2020 Parade of Planets, all that meet the conditions described in Revelation 12 sign approximately 1,910 years ago, on the Jewish Holy Day of Rosh, Hashanah (BibliclyYom Teruah, described in Leviticus 23:23–32, see https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus+23%3A23-32&version=KJV , Sept. 18-20, 2020 followed by the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, 10 days later).

Quite an alignment of coincidences, or God's intricate planning to provide plenty of warning and opportunity to prepare for those who truly care, and are watching.

Friday 10 July 2020

Turkey Vs. Egypt

In a Mar. 1, 2020 posting (see https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2020/03/turkey-nuked-damascus-purims-rapture.html?m=1 ), I speculated on what soon comes from Turkey's aggression against Syria and others in the Middle East.

Erdogan sees himself as the modern day supreme leader of the Ottoman Empire, raised from the ashes of history, a modern caliphate.

There is a civil war in Libya.  The two sides of the Libyian forces are each backed by a different foreign government as their proxy:  Turkey and Egypt.  

This isn't about Libya, it's about the oil & gas reserves in the Mediterranian Sea, depending on how you lay the border lines ( see   https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/new-map-reveals-turkey-claim-half-east-mediterranean-waters ).

If Libya agrees with Turkey's proposed border lines, or Egypt's proposal, it will make one side rich, and the other poor.  

One of the best ways to get the Libyian government to agree with your proposed Mediterranian oil & gas border is to support them in the Libyian civil war so they win, and are indebted to you for saving them from defeat.

As a show of force, warning, and proof of determination, both sides are (or recently) conducted extensive live fire war games in the disputed territory (see https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/war-footing-egypt-answers-turkish-naval-drills-own-large-exercise-libyan-border ).

On the other side, Turkey has threatened to invade Greece (ie. Greece's many island close offshore of Turkey that were taken from the defeated Turks and Italians after WW2.

One of the things that God hates most is agression &/or militarism of one nation against another.  King David counted his men when he was speculating about a war of agression not authorized by God.

For example, 1 Chronicles 21:1 says: "And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel."  To "number Israel" is a military strength assessment.   Exodus 30:12–16 gives specific instructions about when, how, and why a king is permitted to number their nation.  King David sinned out of pride and his evil plans of aggression.  By Verse 8, after Joab reported the 9 month long counting of soldiers, David repented.  God subsequently killed 70,000 of David's men by disease as judgement against David's personal sin of pride & aggression, and the sins of the whole nation of Israel.

If God's judgement against King David cost 70,000 men their lives for merely being counted, what do you think God's judgement will be against USA for all of the wars, coups, assassinations, killings, immorality, and other evil USA has done over the last 244 years?  More than one prophet has predicted the total, utter destruction of USA will soon occur, and USA will exist no more (see:  https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2020/06/pray-prepare-protect.html?m=1 ).

King David repented.  Unlike King David then, I doubt that Turkey will repent their current aggression (until they eventually lament God's sure judgement against their aggression of today).

Daniel 11:5-20 seems to speak of the past, as forshadowing the current situation between Turkey and Egypt of today.

Immediately after this is the rise of the AntiChrist, in Daniel 11:5-21 and in Revelation 13:1-10.

The Problem

Satan, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, and the rest will do what they do.  There's little to nothing I can do about this except watch and prepare.

That's not the problem.

The problem is, I am a sinner; past, present, and future.  My spirit wishes to follow God's Commandments, but my flesh is weak.  If I don't pray for God's help and strength to resist Satan's temptations, and repent when I fail, I will surely perish in Hell.

You are in the same boat as I, for Romans 3:19 tells us that nobody is righteous, no not one.  We all deserve the Lake of Fire as our punishment.

My Solution

Fortunately, I woke up to God, His Commandments, and my sins against His Commandments.

The "woke" I speak about is a different kind of "woke" than what is so popular among Social Justice Warriors, and Satan's World.  My "woke" is not the Satan's kind of BLM, Marxist, Antifa, white fragility, white supremecy kind of "woke".

This is God's kind of "woke".

Instead of the Lake of Fire, I decided to take God's offer of clemency. 

In Feb. 2017, I left behind my life-long, pitiful existence as a luke-warm Christian, and became a Born Again Christian.

Today, I still sin, but I sin a lot less than I did before.  I have removed almost all iniquity (ie. Pre-planned, purposeful sins, or chronic sins) from my life.

I'm still working on pride, gluttony, laziness, impatience, speeding and other minor violations of man's laws while driving (see Romans 13:1-2), excessive focus on the cares of this world of Satan rather than the permanent things of God, etc.

Your Solution ?

I have my solution underway.

Do you have your solution to avoid eternal torment and burning in the Lake of Fire?

Don't believe like I do?  That's OK.

Let's try an analogy.  If you suddenly decided the sun is green, your change in belief doesn't change reality (ie. the sun doesn't suddenly change to a shade of green).

It doesn't matter what you happen to believe.  It matters what is true.  The Bible is God's Word.  God's Word is 100% true; never proven wrong.

You can choose to believe the Bible, or ignore it at your peril.  God put a sense of right & wrong into the eternal soul of every person.  Ignorance of God's law is impossible.  If you ignore God's Laws, there will be consequences.

To avoid these natural consequences of breaking God's Laws, there is only 1 known solution.

First, you must admit to both yourself and God that you have sinned in the past, continue to sin today, enjoy your sins, and tolerate (&/or ignore) the natural consequences that your sins create.

Next, you need to judge yourself and your actions (and inactions) thoroughly against God's measuring stick, His 26 Commandments (10 in Old Testament, 16 more in New Testament, 26 in total).

Next, you need to learn about Jesus Christ till you appreciate what He did for you and all others by His crucifixion.  

Jesus willingly gave up His life for you 2,000 years ago.  When you love Jesus enough to give up your old life in Satan's world, in favor of your  eternal peace, joy, and life in God's Heaven, then you are ready.

If you truly love Jesus with all your mind, body, soul, and strength, then you will willingly (not grudgingly) want to obey all of His Commandments as respect and appreciation and love for Jesus.

This is not a works-based salvation.  This obedience is a natural consequence of truly loving Jesus.

Same Soul

When you were conceived in your mother's womb, God gave you an eternal soul.

You had a different body then.  Cells in your body are replaced every 7 to 10 years.  The body you have today is completely different than 10 years ago.

Your soul is spiritual, it has no cells.  Your soul is the same then, as it is now; it's eternal.

The true you, the eternal spiritual you, will either go to Heaven or Hell.

There is no opting out.  There is no third choice.

Heaven or hell.

If you refuse to decide, or procrastinate, the default choice is Hell.  Only those who make a conscious, active choice, and complete all of the necessary steps will get to Heaven.

Let me know how you're making out on this voyage towards eternity (or your emotional or logical reasons for rejecting this proposed solution) in the comments below.

Wednesday 8 July 2020

Annexation, then Ka-Boom

When Israel formally does their planned annexation, then Ka-Boom.

Israel's annexation plans under President Trump's Deal of the Century include a "land for peace" deal, slyly disguised so that Palestinians are offered sovereignity over God's land for peace.

God isn't fooled by sly wording.

In Lev 25:23 KJV, God said:  "The land shall not be sold for ever for the land is Mine [God's]; for ye [Hebrews] are strangers and sojourners with Me."

When Israel tries to give away God's land inside their annexation plans, God will likely immediately withdraw His hand of protection from Israel and the world, then Ka-Boom!

The Israeli's know they are in for a fight over annexation, they have been repeatedly warned.  President Trump knows.  UN knows, and has repeatedly warned not to do the annexation.  The EU has repeatedly warned as well.  Jordon has warned Israel that war will soon come after annexation.  Iran has also warned, and is eager to finally begin a major fight against Israel.

Today, the USA is finalizing the map of division with Israel, and possibly some other loose ends.

There is a distinct possibility that this war quickly heats to a fever pitch, Israel will be hard pressed, and USA may be struck by domestic terrorism, riots, civil war, or domestic Islamist terrorism throughout the USA.  

US Congress may hamstring President Trump, or he may be impeded in other ways from adequately rescuing Israel in a timely and effective manner.  Iran likely has many sneaky plans ready to hatch to neutralize USA's protection, and quickly destroy Israel.

Israel may have to resort to nuclear weapons to save themselves.

Once that happens, it could go limited nuclear war against USA and NATO by Russia, China, N. Korea, Pakistan, Iran, and others.  Two billion people could be vaporized in less than a day.

There are few places you can go to hide from these likely consequences.

The only guaranteed solution is to believe in Jesus Christ, repent your sins, ask God for forgiveness, and obey God's laws. 

Psalm 91 says 1,000 to your left will fall, and 10,000 to your right, but it will not touch you (because you are a child of God).

 Detailed instructions are here:   

Time is short.

Hell is hot.

Eternity is a long time.

Trust in God, He will protect you and your family.

Thursday 2 July 2020

Start of God's Tribulation Confirmed

Dr. Robert Mawire says the beginning of the God's End Times Tribulation period begins on Sept. 17, 2020 (see Timestamp 3:36 on this video:   https://youtu.be/KOoSyZd91YM ).

This has a 1 day discrepancy (Sept. 18th vs. Sept.17th) with the previous video and posting I made (see Timeline to God's Endtime   https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2020/06/timeline-to-gods-end-time.html