High Priority Posts

High Priority Posts

We live in troubled times. The 7 years of God's End Times likely begin on or about Sept. 17-28, 2020 with many tribulations occurring soon thereafter (ie. evil events by Satan &/or judgements by God).

If you suddenly die before you are a Born Again, True Christian, you are doomed to eternity in Hell. With End Times starting soon, many more people (thousands to millions to billions more) will die through Satan's evil plans. DO NOT ignore this warning, nor procrastinate!

Here is what you need to know, and take immediate action on:

1. Likely sequence of events during God's End Times Document Section, https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/p/documents.html

2. God's 26 Commandments for Christians (includes detailed instructions on how to become a Born Again True Christian): Document Section, https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/p/documents.html

3. Human Transition towards Eternity (Heaven or Hell). Every human will have eternal life; some in Heaven, most in Hell. This diagram describes who, how, when, and why someone goes to Heaven or Hell. https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2020/08/human-transition-towards-eternity.html

Wednesday 27 December 2023

War Against Israel Heats Up & Explodes

I note that Jupiter entered retrograde motion (ie. moving backwards in the sky) on Sept. 4, and ends retrograde motion on Dec. 30, 2023 9:12 PM EST.  See:   https://www.prokerala.com/astrology/jupiter-retrograde.html

Jupiter does retrograde motion about every 13 months.

I am not a prophet, just a Watchman, so there are a few possible scenarios

Scenario #1:  

Jupiter is the King planet, associated with Jesus.  When in retrograde, that is similar to God pulling back his hand, allowing Satan additional freedom to do evil.

Therefore Satan senses his opening on Sept. 4, it took a while to organize the Oct. 7th attack.  Now, that window is closing as of Dec. 30 th., so Satan goes on an all-out attack against Israel as soon as possible.

God steps back in after retrograde ends, and rescues Israel on or soon after Dec. 30th.

Scenario #2:

Satan likes to mimic God, and the rising AntiChrist will soon pretend to be God.

Therefore when Jupiter comes out of retrograde on Dec. 30th. 2023 this is the date when the Gaza War turns in Satan's favor.  This means that Satan uses it to signal his troops that the "stars are aligned and favorable" for all-out attack against Israel.

Therefore the Hamas war suddenly goes to MAX. (ie. Hezbollah, Turkey, Iran, +++) all get actively involved to help Hamas and hurt Israel.

Scenario #3:

Describe your favorite, alternative scenario in the comments section below.


There are 200,000+ rockets ready to be aimed at Israel and launched.  

Launching about 1 per second will defeat Iron Dome, David's Sling, Arrow, etc. by overloading these systems.  That 1 per second barrage would be equivalent to carpet bombing Israel for 2.3 days non-stop.  

Add on RPG's, artillary, the motorcycle squads, full land invasion of Israel, etc. and this war can quickly turn against Israel.

There is also a prophecy that Tel Aviv gets nuked (Dr. Robert Mawire, End Times Prophet of God, announced at the Texas Prayer Breakfast for Israel, 2023).  That may be connected to Isaiah 17:1, when Damascus Syria getting nuked too.

This next phase of the war may be when the Muslims capture Jerusalem, rape & pillage, as described in the Bible.

Fortunately, eventually, God will step in to save his remnant before it's too late.

Anybody else got some hard facts to go with my guess?

You sensing anything?

Monday 25 December 2023

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas !

Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, good will towards men.   Luke 2:14

Based on the Bible, on this day of Christmas 2023 (Dec. 25 on Gregorian calendar, 10th day of Tevet on the Jewish calendar) is the most likely anniversary day for when the virgin Mary conceived through the Holy Ghost.  True Christians believe that life and personhood begins at conception, so this is when Jesus Christ became God in the flesh, Emmanuel, fully God and fully human.  Based on this, Jesus would be born about 9 months later, on or about Sept. 29, 3 BC (15th day Tishri, 1st day of Tabernacles- Sukkot).

Commandment 15

15.  Rejoice, and be exceeding glad.   Be wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove, the light of the world, and the salt of the Earth.  Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. 

Maintain your light, continuous joy, and rejoicing by protecting your eyes & ears from things not of God.  Look up, study the Word, share intimate 1-on-1 time with God so as to strengthen your personal relationship with God.  Withdraw from the worldly news, gossip, fear mongering, glamour, vanity, pride, greed, and evil sensationalism.

From:   "God's Love & 26 Commandments for Christians", Free copy: http://bit.ly/GodLaw

Bible Reference Verses:   

Lev 2:13; Psa 18:28; Psa 27:1; Psa 119:105, 130; Isa 42:6; Isa 49:6; Isa 60:1; Mat 5:11-16; Mat 10:16; Mar 9:49-50; Luk 8:16; Luk 11:34; Luk 14:34-35; Jhn 1:5-9; Jhn 9:5; Jhn 12:35-36; Act 13:47; Rom 13:12; Eph 5:8; Phl 2:15; Col 4:6; 1Pe 2:9; 1Jo 1:7; Mat 6:22-23; Ps 119:37; 1 Pet 5:8-9; Prov 4:23; Job 31:1; Phillipeans 4:8; 1 Cor 9:27; Rom 12:2; Ps 101:3; Col 3:2-4; 1 John 2:16.

Sunday 24 December 2023

End Times Flowchart

Now that we are in God's End Times process (ie. the last 7 years of life as we have known it for the last 2,000 years), there will be 8 major decisions to be made by world leaders and you.

You get to make only 2 of these important decisions.

The other 6 decisions will have a huge effect on your life, but those decisions will be made by others, beyond your control & influence.

However, by knowing about all 8 decisions, and the 2 decisions you get to make, you are better prepared to make the right choice for yourself, when the time comes.

These 8 critical decisions are described in the End Times Flowchart:

Figure 1:   End Times Flowchart.  Click on image to see full-size, or 
download pdf copy by link below.

Based on the Bible, this 1-page flowchart describes the intertwined activities of God, Satan, Christians, and pagans during the next 7 years (2023 - 2030).


End Times Flowchart

This document is available for free download as an Adobe Acrobat pdf from:



Thursday 21 December 2023

Salvation Prayer

 After 63 years as a Luke-Warm Christian, I learned that I must be Born Again if I wanted to have eternal life of peace, joy, and love in Heaven.  Within a few days of discovering this essential truth, my wife and I decided to become Born Again Christians in Feb. 2017.

At first, we heard about the ABC Sinners Prayer as the fast, easy way to get saved.  The "ABC" refers to "Admit, Believe, Confess" or "Admit, Believe, Call".  There are many slight variations of this Christian Classic, but most are similar to the following:

Dear God: I realize that I'm a sinner and I can't save myself. I believe you sent your Son Jesus to die on the cross to take the penalty of my sins. I ask Jesus now to come into my life and save my soul, and guide and direct my life from this point on as my Lord. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

After recovering from 63 years of deception, we weren't ready to fall back into another deception.  Therefore, as "Good Bereans", we consulted the Bible so as to test the ABC Sinner's Prayer, to make sure it ticked all the boxes, was comprehensive, and sufficiently met all mandatory requirements as described in the Bible so as to truly achieve Salvation.

We quickly determined that the ABC Sinner's Prayer was terrible, misleading, superficial, with many wrongful assumptions, and may not get us to 1st base, let alone failing to get us all the way around the bases to score the home run of Salvation.

Therefore, based on our Bible research, we crafted our own Salvation Prayer.  We believe it is fully compliant to all the requirements specified in the Bible (both OT and NT).  To help us remember (ie. answering "Where did you get that from?"), and prove our case about the poor quality of ABC Salvation Prayer, and the excellence our our Salvation Prayer, we have added 53 End Notes, linking this  prayer's wording to the specific Bible verse(s) that add a mandatory condition or requirements, which include 100's of Bible verses;   all so as to prove our work, rightly dividing the Word.

This Salvation Prayer is based upon God's 26 Commandments for Christians (see:  https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2019/12/gods-26-commandments-for-christians.html ), which is based on the Bible.

We ask you to review our Salvation Prayer, and test it yourself.  Is it 100% Biblical?  Is it 100% comprehensive, containing all necessary and sufficient requirements, with no fluff or un-necessary parts?

We recognize there are lots of opinions out there.  For example Air 1 reports:

"Most Americans believe in God, but they’re a little confused about who the divine is.

While 66% of U.S. adults say God is a perfect being and cannot make mistakes, half (51%) say God learns and adapts to different circumstances.

Almost 7 in 10 Americans (67%) say God accepts the worship of all religions, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam. A similar percentage (71%) say there is one true God in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Despite a majority of Americans affirming a Trinitarian God with three divine persons, most still aren’t sure about how that applies to Jesus or the Holy Spirit. Slightly more than half (55%) believe Jesus is the first and greatest created being. Another 53% say He was a great teacher but not God. Close to 3 in 5 (59%) believe the Holy Spirit is a force but not a personal being.

When thinking about these theological convictions, most Americans classify them as opinions not facts. For 60% of U.S. adults, religious belief is a matter of personal opinion; it’s not objective truth."

In case you still don't understand, the Bible clearly states that the Son of God is God, who has existed from infinity past, and will continue to exist until infinity future (ie. never born, never created, never dies, eternal).  The Son of God was incarnated as Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man.  Jesus, fully God and fully man, had a human side that had to learn and grow during His life on Earth.  God is perfect, Jesus Christ is perfect (ie. never sinned), and will never sin.  God is all knowing, including the future, and therefore, is never surprised by anything.  God had a perfect plan before He created Heaven & Earth, and has no need to change His plan, or adapt to unexpected circumstances.  God is a jealous God, and is angered by people worshipping &/or praying to false gods, idols, relics, Saints, etc..   Islam is a false religion that is in 100% conflict with Christianity, and worships a false god Allah.  The Holy Spirit (ie. Holy Ghost) is God, and has personality (ie. aware of its surroundings, has thoughts, actions, emotions, plans, and can take independent actions to achieve their plans); and is therefore not just a force (eg. electricity, magnetism, gravity, etc.), as forces do not have personality.  The Bible is inspired by God, written by many different men over thousands of years, God promised to protect it and keep it, and it is 100% truth without corruption, and is therefore objective truth and trustworthy.

Please go back and compare the previous paragraph to the USA survey results, comparing and contrasting until you fully understand.

Therefore, we recognize that ~99.5% of those who call themselves "Christian" are actually luke-warm Christians (like we were for 63 years), or pseudo-Christians, or nominal Christians (Christian in name only, non-practicing Christians), hypocrites, wolves in sheep's clothing, or cults that aren't true Christians.

Rather than expressing a mere opinion about our Salvation Prayer, please reference what the Bible says, not what you say, to suggest additions, deletions, corrections, or wording improvements.

Leave your comments below.

KJBC-M Prayer for Salvation, Version 15:   


You can also share the Easy Link to this Blog posting:   https://bit.ly/PrayerSinner

God bless

P.S.    This Salvation Prayer is copyrighted is 2017, 2019, 2023 by KJBC-M, all rights reserved.  Anyone is permitted to receive, store, duplicate, send, distribute, or make derivative works provided:  a) it is done free of charge;  b) the original copyright notice remains readily visible on all copies and derivative works; and c) it is done for the greater glory of the One true God, as described in the Bible.

Tuesday 12 December 2023

All-Out War Against Israel

Quickly following on my post of yesterday (see:   https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2023/12/animal-sacrifices-on-temple-mount-in.html ), today I learn this:

On Nov. 15, 2023 the UN Security Council (UNSC) (by a vote of 12-0) passed a binding resolution for extended humanitarian pauses in Gaza.  Israel immediately condemned it, and declared it was not going to abide in spite of this being a binding international law under the UN Charter.

Following on this refusal by Israel, on Dec. 8, 2023 we have:

"Egypt & Mauritania have invoked United Nations General Assembly Resolution 377 (UNGA Res 377) the “Uniting for Peace” resolution to address the attacks in Gaza. Resolution 377 states that if UN Security Council, due to lack of unanimity of the permanent 5 members, fails to exercise its primary responsibility to act to maintain international peace & security, the General Assembly can promptly address the issue. The emergency session is set for Tuesday the 12th December."


I suspect this UN General Assembly resolution will pass, and the whole world will then use this resolution to more fully disrespect, browbeat, and verbally attack Israel.  

This resolution will also likely justify the building of a Shia Muslim coalition to enforce this resolution, so as to protect the "oppressed" Hamas & Gaza people, and start all-out war against Israel.

This likely spins into WW3, with nukes flying.

The shooting & killing will likely be over quickly (~ 2 months maximum), but the consequences will be 2 Billion dead, and an evil totalitarian, fascist Dictator over the entire world (ie. The AntiChrist).

Escaping The AntiChrist

There will be no place to run so as to escape the AntiChrist.  All that can be done is rest under the protection of God Almighty, the God of the Bible.

God will protect His children (ie. Born Again obedient Christians).  For example:

Psalm 91 says 1,000 to your left will fall, and 10,000 to your right, but the pestilence will not touch those who are a child of God.

Luke-warm Christians will be forced to upgrade their membership to the premium version so as to get full benefits.

If you are neither, you will soon be at even greater risk than today.  Here are a few links to help you get started:


To be saved & go to Heaven, you must: 

 Fear God (Prov 1:7, Eccles 12:13, Mat 10:28); know God (2 Pet 3:18); love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mat 22:37-39); be Born Again (John 3:3); water baptized in the name of God The Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit by water immersion (Mat 28:19); fully forgive all those who trespassed against you (Mat 6:14-15); confess to God all your sins and repent with a contrite heart (1 John 1:9); ask for and receive the fiery baptism of the Holy Spirit (Mat 3:11; Mar 1:8; Luke 3:16; Luke 3:22; John 3:5; Acts 1:7, 8:17; Rom 6:1-10; 1 Cor 6:19); pray to God for forgiveness of your sins (Heb 8:12); obey God’s commandments (OT laws except Temple ceremonial laws and as modified in NT, & NT laws) to the best of your ability (John 14:15), but when you fail, immediately stop, confess, repent, and flee from further sin (1 John 1:6-9); maintain a deep, loving, & intimate relationship with God by reading the Bible every day (2 Tim 3:16); praying to God continually (1 Thes 5:17), etc.), avoid blaspheming the Holy Spirit (Mat 12:31), don't take the Mark of the Beast 666 (Rev. 13:16), do not worship the Beast nor its image (Rev. 13:15), do not contaminate your DNA so as to be less than 100% human (Gen 6:1-4, 1 Cor 3:16-17; 2 Cor 7:1).

The list for a True Christian (ie. the ideal, working hard to become like Jesus) is a lot longer.

Monday 11 December 2023

Animal Sacrifices on Temple Mount in 2024 AD

You need to choose one side, or the other  

You're either with God, or with Satan.

Soon, there will be two types of churches, and two types of Christians.

The first type reads the Bible, and knows God's prophesies in the Bible, and they want what God wants, so they will support the Orthodox Jews who want to build the Third Temple on Temple Mount in 2024 AD, and re-start animal sacrifices.

The second type doesn't read the Bible, or misinterprets the Bible, and supports the religion of man and modern sensibilities,  and is strongly against building on Temple Mount, and despises the idea of animals being sacrificed to the God of the Bible in 2024 AD.

As for me and my family, and our church, we are all on God's side, God's prophecies, and God's Word in the Holy Bible.

Which side are you on?

Here is the latest video by Dr. Robert Mawire, End Times Prophet of God, to fully explain what this is all about.


Psalm 83 War Timeline, till "The End"

My estimated timeline (no guarantee), is that the Moon-Mars conjunction on Dec. 12, 2024 is a harbinger for the current Hamas-Israel war to explode to multi-front, all out assault against Israel as prophesied in Psalm 83 (see one of my prior posting here:   https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2019/11/psalm-83-war-coming.html  ).

There will be huge death toll & destruction, but the Muslim mennace (especially Shia radicals like Iran, Turkey, etc.) will be permanently subdued when God steps in to save the Jewish remnant in Israel (66% of Jews die per Zech 13:8-9, but 33% Jewish remnant lives).

We pray daily for peace, and for all Jews, Palestinians, and Muslims to have their "Come to Jesus" moment before it is too late, and they die in their sins without Jesus, without a Messiah, and without a Saviour.  May God have mercy on their souls.

The peace agreement for Psalm 83 war will be signed on or about Feb. 27, 2024.  

This will permit Israel to start immediate construction of the Third Temple on Temple Mount, and start worshipping there.  

That means red heifers to cleanse (Numbers C. 18), then, bulls, goats, and lambs slaughtered every day.  Blood everywhere!

AntiChrist (with Jews wrongly believing the AntiChrist is their long awaited Messiah) will endorse this "treaty with Death & Hell"  (see Isaiah 28:16-21).  

[Isa 28:16–21 KJV] "16 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste. 17 Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place. 18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it. 19 From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report. 20 For the bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it: and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself in it. 21 For the LORD shall rise up as in mount Perazim, he shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act."

Three & a half years later (on or about Aug. 10, 2027), AntiChrist will declare himself to be God, and he sits on God's seat inside the Third Temple.

The Jews immediately realize their mistake, and flee to the wilderness, away from the AntiChrist.

Now Satan has gone too far, and this false declaration by AntiChrist launches the 2nd. Coming of Jesus Christ. 

Jesus is feet down on Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia, and starts working His way North towards Jerusalem, as His two edged sword cleans out the evil as He goes, filling His winepress of wrath.

When Jesus reaches the Mount of Olives, there is a flood by Satan, an earthquake that splits Mount of Olives, carrying away the flood.

Satan is chained and dropped into Bottomless Pit alive.  AntiChrist and False Prophet get thrown alive into the Lake of Fire.  The dead in Christ are resurrected, the Christians still alive join them in the clouds, then all of them are Raptured to Heaven for the 7 year Wedding Supper of the Lamb.

All of Satan's troops are already gathered at the Valley of Decision (Megiddo), Jesus and His angels quickly add the evil woman grinding at the mill, one of the two men in a bed, and all similarly evil citizens, translating them to the Valley of Decision with the evil troops.

Death Count

A friend of mine believes God is love, love, love, and wouldn't hurt a fly.

I suggest that when Jesus returns, He will be all about Judgment.

Starting with 8 Billion on Earth today, there are 2 Billion children.  Assuming age of responsibility removes them to Heaven before WW3, that leaves 6 Billion on Earth.  Similarly, perhaps God will also remove the ~1% disabled, which is 0.08 Billion.  This leaves 5.92 Billion on Earth.  

Bible says WW3 kills 25% of population, so that is 1.48 Billion gone, leaving 4.44 Billion.

It is estimated that 0.5% of Christians are Born Again, obedient Christians.  We will assume that God's End Times revival process ups this to 5% who get saved.  This is 0.222 Billion Christians to Heaven, plus the "dead in Christ" from 30 AD til 2027 AD.  That leaves 4.218 Billion on Earth.

Bible says one angel of God killed 180,000 enemies of Israel in a night.  Assuming an 8 hr. night, that is 22,500 kills per Angel-hr.

The blood to the depth of the horse's bridle can't run forever, as it will clot to a giant mass.  We therefore assume that it flows for 1 hour.  Therefore the Battle is assumed to be all over in 1 hr.

Therefore God will need approximately  187,467 Battle Angels to kill those 4.218 Billion evil people in the Valley of Megiddo.

There is the 144,000 Virgins during End Times.  

Perhaps I over-estimated, and God only needs 144,000 Battle Angels. So perhaps  it's a 1:1 ratio between Battle Angels and the 144,000 Virgins.

Either way, a gross, morbid calculation that may help you to decide to confess & repent, rather than continue assuming you're saved, and you can do as you please in this world because you claim to believe in Jesus.

"Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble."   [James 2:19 KJV]

Just believing in Jesus is no great feat.  Even demons believe in Jesus, and we know the demons are going to the Lake of Fire.

If you don't want to join them, it takes a lot more to avoid Hell than just mere belief in Jesus.


To be saved & go to Heaven, you must:   fear God (Prov 1:7, Eccles 12:13, Mat 10:28); know God (2 Pet 3:18); love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mat 22:37-39); be Born Again (John 3:3); water baptized in the name of God The Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit by water immersion (Mat 28:19); fully forgive all those who trespassed against you (Mat 6:14-15); confess to God all your sins and repent with a contrite heart (1 John 1:9); ask for and receive the fiery baptism of the Holy Spirit (Mat 3:11; Mar 1:8; Luke 3:16; Luke 3:22; John 3:5; Acts 1:7, 8:17; Rom 6:1-10; 1 Cor 6:19); pray to God for forgiveness of your sins (Heb 8:12); obey God’s commandments (OT laws except Temple ceremonial laws and as modified in NT, & NT laws) to the best of your ability (John 14:15), but when you fail, immediately stop, confess, repent, and flee from further sin (1 John 1:6-9); maintain a deep, loving, & intimate relationship with God by reading the Bible every day (2 Tim 3:16); praying to God continually (1 Thes 5:17), etc.), avoid blaspheming the Holy Spirit (Mat 12:31), don't take the Mark of the Beast 666 (Rev. 13:16), do not worship the Beast nor its image (Rev. 13:15), do not contaminate your DNA so as to be less than 100% human (Gen 6:1-4, 1 Cor 3:16-17; 2 Cor 7:1).

The list for a True Christian (ie. the ideal, working hard to become like Jesus) is a lot longer.

Wednesday 22 November 2023

We support Israel & the Jews

Israel isn't perfect, no different than the imperfections of any other country.  

In spite of Israel's imperfections, we support Israel and the Jews.  

Israel has just as much right to exist as any other nation.  

Jews have a right to exist, equal to all other peoples and ethnicities.

We condemn Hamas for their jihadist terrorism attack against Israel on Oct. 7, 2023.

We condemn Hamas' kidnapping, and their taking of hostages of Israeli citizens back to Gaza.

Hamas is a terrorism organization by both word and deed, and therefore Hamas needs to be quickly & permanently neutralized, and dismantled.

We condemn the supporters of Hamas.  Whether they are shallow thinkers who have been deceived, or they are fully knowledgeable supporters of terrorism, in the end they directly or indirectly support terrorism.

Oct. 7, 2023 is likely the start of the Psalm 83 War, as prophesied in the Bible more than 3,000 years ago.

Psalm 83 war likely sparks World War 3, and the rise of the AntiChrist, who takes over the world as an evil dictator.


As Born Again obedient Christians, we follow God and His Word, as recorded in the Bible.

The Jewish people have a covenant with God, given to Abraham and all his seed.

[Gen 12:1–8 KJV] "1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: 2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: 3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. 4 So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran. 5 And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they came. 6 And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land. 7 And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the LORD, who appeared unto him. 8 And he removed from thence unto a mountain on the east of Bethel, and pitched his tent, having Bethel on the west, and Hai on the east: and there he builded an altar unto the LORD, and called upon the name of the LORD."

The ceremony in Genesis Chapter 15 clearly shows that this is an irrevocable and uncondititional covenant, meaning that Abraham has no duties to perform on his side of the covenant.  The specific lands gifted to Abraham are defined:

[Gen 15:18–21 KJV] "18 In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates: 19 The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites, 20 And the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Rephaims, 21 And the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites."

Later, God and Abraham have another covenant, where God requires Abraham and his seed to perform certain deeds to validate this additional covenant.  Here, again, God gifts the Caninnites land to Abraham

[Gen 17:1–8 KJV] "1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. 2 And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly. 3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, 4 As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. 5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee. 6 And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. 7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. 8 And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God."

In spite of the above, the Palestinians object.  The Palestinians want all of the land for themselves.  Not only that, Hamas, the elected representatives of the people of Gaza, wants to kill every Jew in Israel, and also kill every Jew on planet Earth, no matter which other country they live in, no matter the citizenship of the Jew.

We, as Born Again obedient Christians, should take Hamas' words at face value.  They are obviously antisemites who believe in genocide, and ethnic cleansing of the Middle East, and the entire planet Earth.

We, as Born Again obedient Christians, believe that the Jews and Israel have a right to exist.  We support Israel's right to exist.

The attack by Hamas and the Palestinians of Gaza on Oct. 7, 2023 was mainly against women, children, young adults, and old men in Israel.  Some Israeli soldiers (IDF) and military outposts were also attacked.  Hamas brutally killed over 1,200 Israelis.  To make it even worse, Hamas kidnapped and took as hostages over 200 civilians (ie. women, children, babies, grandmothers, senior citizens, etc.).

So that you can judge for yourself, I have collected the links to the evidence found on the Internet.


The following is not comprehensive nor balanced, but summarizes what struck me as important, as the tsunami of news flooded by me.

Bashir Al Assad, President of Syria, is Alawite.

The Alawite people are an ethno-religious group who practice a branch of Shia Islam. Originally from the area that is modern-day Iraq, they fled religious persecution in the 10th century, settling in the Latakia province on Syria's west coast.

Syria:   87% Muslim (of the 87%:   60% Sunni Arabic speaking, Alawite 10%, 10% Kurds-Sunni, 5% Turkmen-Sunni, 1% Circassians-Sunni), plus 10% Christian, 3% other

A female IDF soldier who worked on guarding the border fence between Israel and Gaza for many months prior to the Oct. 7, 2023 attack by Hamas testifies what wss happening before Oct. 7, 2023:

“We [the IDF] sat on shifts and saw the convoy of vans [owned by Hamas]. We saw the training, people shooting and rolling, practicing taking over a tank. The training went from once a week to twice a week, from every day to several times a day,” said Amit Yerushalmi. “We saw patrols along the border, people with cameras and binoculars. It happened 300 meters from the fence. There were a lot of disturbances, people went down to the fence and detonated an outrageous amount of explosives, the amount of explosives was crazy.” 

Warnings About Alarming Pre-Oct 7 Hamas Activity Ignored, Say Israeli Surveillance Soldiers

SATURDAY, OCT 28, 2023 - 08:40 PM

The Oct 7 Hamas military and terrorist attacks on Israel came as shock to many -- but not to surveillance soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) who say their warnings about their alarming observations along the Gaza border were ignored by higher-ups. 

In interviews with Israeli media, soldiers of the IDF's Combat Intelligence Corps say that, for at least three months before the attacks, they observed Hamas members conducting paramilitary training along the fenceline, digging holes, studying the area with maps, examining the ground surface and even placing and detonating explosives. 
Speaking to Kan News on Wedneday, Yael Rotenberg and Maya Desiatnik expressed their anger over the IDF's failure to heed their repeated reports of the ominous activity. Compounding their rage, the two were the only Combat Intelligence Corps soldiers who survived the Hamas attack on their base near the Nahal Oz kibbutz, less than a half-mile southeast of the Gaza border.  

Yael Rotenberg is one of four Israeli intelligence soldiers blowing the whistle on the IDF's failure to heed their warnings (Kan TV via Times of Israel)


“It’s infuriating. We saw what was happening, we told them about it, and we were the ones who were murdered,” said Desiatnik.

The types of activity they observed at the border was concerning enough, but, even more strikingly, the pace had steadily intensified as Oct 7 approached.

Desiatnik said it proceeded from weekly, to daily, to almost nonstop. In addition to her general visual observations, she said she was able to obtain information about the substance of the training, which encompassed driving tanks to bypassing the fence via tunnels.

She told Kan News that she'd concluded "it was just a matter of time" until Hamas unleashed an attack on Israel. 

Two other IDF intelligence soldiers shared similar experiences with Israel's Channel 12.

Yerushalmi said she dutifully recorded all her observations, with no apparent impact on the command whatsoever. 

These four IDF soldiers aren't the only ones who say their warnings were ignored. Egyptian intelligence officials say they also attempted to alert Tel Aviv. 

“We have warned them an explosion of the situation is coming, and very soon, and it would be big. But they underestimated such warnings,” an anonymous Egyptian official told the Associated Press. 

According to report by Israel's Ynet, Egypt's intelligence minister personally phoned Israeli Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu just 10 days before the attack, warning that Hamas was poised to do “something unusual, a terrible operation.” 

Ever since the political, militant and terror group's founding in the late 1970s, right-wing Israeli officials have fostered the rise of Hamas to ensure there is no viable "partner for peace" on the Palestinian side --- allowing Israel to forever postpone making territorial concessions while further settling the West Bank and paying diplomatic lip service to a two-state solution.  

To an extent unprecedented in Israel's history, the current Netanyahu government is dominated by ultra-nationalists and religious extremists representing parties such as "Religious Zionism" and "Jewish Power." In the wake of the Oct 7 atrocities, they won't have to worry about a negotiated peace with the Palestinians anytime soon. 


Ezekiel 37 joins Israel & Judah, and bring them back into their land

Is. 66:8, Israel brings forth in 1 day

Ex 6:4 Hebrews sojourners with God in former lands of Caanine.

Lev 25:23  land not to be sold, you are strangers and sojourners with God.

Joel 3:1-21

300 Million Arabs & Muslims vs. 600,000 Jews, 1949 War of Independence.

1967 Six Day War, Israel won more land by conquest, UN's red line, resolution tries to force Israel to give back land they captured.

1973 Yom Kippur War

1949 Green Line by UN.

Madrid Peace Conference, 2 State Solution

Oslo I, 2 State Solution

God had His Son killed for our sins.  It is our sins that killed Jesus, not the Jews, not the Romans.

"Do this for the least of these", also applies to the underdog Jews who need help.  Those who refuse to hrlp are likrly to get Jesus' "I know you not", snd the outer darkness (ie. Hell, the Lake of Fire) in return.

"Blood be upon us & our children" was said by the Jewish people in response to Pilot.  While most people assumed the Jews cursed themselves, remember that sinners are saved by the blood of Jesus.  Perhaps this is not a curse, but instead, the saving blood of Jesus for their sins.

Oslo II, 2 State Solution

Rom 11:26 all Jews will be saved

Dr. Robert Mawire, End Times Prophet of God, his testimony about his prophecy from God, that Dr. Mawire delivered to Ariel Sharron, warning not to negotiate "land for peace", nor any Two State Solution:

Mawire's yr. 2000 prophecy, 35 people, tour Israel, General Sharron called Mawire's hotel, "What is this prophecy you have for Sharon?", 35 witnesses + Mawire met in library + Sharon, presented prophecy, in 6 months you will be PM, and you will be PM for a long time, but no land for peace.  If you do land for peace, God will strike you down.  Sharron said  "There are problems, I can't be PM". Mawire said  "No problem for God". 

Responsibility by Palestinian people
Dr. J Peterson


Good points raised on hypocricy of so-called "Palestinian supporters" at all the other mistreatments of Palestinians over the last decades.

Support now, and not then clearly shows their false premise, it is merely cover for their antisemitism against Jews and Israel.

Amir Tsarfati complains against, and cautions shortsighted and self-righteous Christian evangelists who are working in this grief stricken Israel of today

Jews of today, like those of Jesus' time, are hard hearted & blind, as God's cursed and willed to occur.  Have compassion and longsuffering patience for their chronic affliction.

They will eventually come around and discover their Messiah in God's perfect timing.

[Luk 9:52–56 KJV] "52 And sent messengers before His face: and they went, and entered into a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for Him. 53 And they did not receive Him, because His face was as though He would go to Jerusalem. 54 And when His disciples James and John saw this, they said, 'Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did?' 55 But He turned, and rebuked them, and said, 'Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. 56 For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them.' And they went to another village."

Rejection of the Gospel doesn't warrant judgment of hell fire from heaven, nor anything similar, at this time.

See this as a loving parent waiting patiently for their enfant to take their first few steps, to begin to walk for the first time.


Pierce Morgan & Dr. Jordan Peterson Oct. 7th for Israel

Arab compares ISIS Vs. Hamas


No refugees to Jordon.  Why does the Arab wotld reject Palestinians?

"The deleted statement which generated the outrage, having been briefly posted to X, said: "Under no circumstances and at no stage was Prime Minister Netanyahu warned of war intentions on the part of Hamas." It continued, "On the contrary, the assessment of the entire security echelon, including the head of military intelligence and the head of Shin Bet, was that Hamas was deterred and was seeking an arrangement."

"But in the new ABC remarks he didn't delve into much detail on this question of taking responsibility for severe failures which left the door open to the single deadliest terror attack in Israel's history. Netanyahu's political opponents have accused him of using the crisis to solidify power using the guise of the wartime emergency government."


Rights to land:  Christians, Jews, Muslims?

Israel's neighbours


Did China supply to Middle East "Guardrail posts", or are they rocket bodies with which to attack Israel?

Modern history for Arab-Israeli conflict


931 Bc King Solomon dies, kingdom splits into Israel in North, Judah in South

722 BC Assyria invades Israel, Jews flee to Judah

585 BC Babylon invades Israel and Judah

538 BC Persia invades Babylon, sets Jewish people in Babylonian territory free

63 AD Rome evicts Jews, renames territory Pslaestina

Seems like a win-win solution


Israel is only the beginning.  Islamists want to take over the entire world

"First Saturday, then Sunday"

Hamas and its supporters cleverly hide their full intentions in the open.

Saturday refers to Jews, who worship God on Saturday.

Sunday refers to most Christians who worship God on Sunday at church.

Hamas, a Muslim jihadist organization, plans to kill all Jews, then kill all Christians

Drifted off, then we were attacked, igniting our passion in Israel

Hamas' purpose

Hamas was lulling Israel to sleep for 2 years

For example, Ultra orthodox Jewish sect Neturei Karta won't comdemn Hamas

IDF Troops in high spirits on the front lines

Don't like violence, but no other ideas to respond to terrorist Hamas

Israel must 100% remove Hamas, or there is no future for Israel.

Hamas genocidal murderers, Jews & Christians

Pastor John MacArthur on Oct. 7 attack on Israel

Debunking the Lies

Qu'ran Sura 5:20-21 notes that Moses & his people were given the land by Allah

Palestinian Supporters:  

Terrorists kill thousands of Arabs, nobody takes to the streets nor wave the  flags.  But when it's Israel against Palestinians, you are out in force.  Why?

Elon Musk, Hamas' likely strategy


Assumptions about Middle East

College students support Hamas?

Elon Musk: Create vs. Kill Hamas ratio, do you eventually win?  Violence creates more violence.



History of Middle East

France's Macron

Hid behind walls, Hamas intelligence gathering

Hamas was as bad or worse than Nazi's, but Hamas did it with glee, no remorse.  The Nazi's drank liquor most nights, as they were morally disturbed by what they did to Jewish prisoners during the day.

Gaza citizens aid & abet Hamas

Palestinian supporter throws Mice inside a McDonald's Restaurant, a supporter of Israel

Arabs in Israel

UK MP antisemitism, ethnic cleansing


Palestinian Authority & Hamas: their plans for the future of Middle East.

Palestinian school coursework trains children to be terrorists


Tuesday 14 November 2023

End Times Calendar & Dates

 *** Begin Update #1, 2024-3-27   ***

This posting is updated and superseded by:


*** End Update #1   ***

Dr. Robert Mawire is a verified End Times Prophet of God.

Dr. Mawire has published an End Times Calendar, combining events in the Books of Daniel, Isaish, Zechariah, Matthew, Theselonians, and Revelation.


Dr. Mawire's revised (as of Nov. 8, 2023)  timeline is available by emailing Andy Wallace at:   1texasandy1@gmail.com

I have annodated Dr. Mawire's timeline, and added specific Gregorian calendar dates for each of the timeline's major miletones:


My Alternative

Based on my reading of the scriptures, I have proposed a similar, but slightly different alignment of the various verses, as shown below.  Mine is based on Dr. Mawire's as the starting point, then adjusting the Daniel verses so they better fit the biblical narrative.


I seek to be 100% Biblical as an End Times Watchman.  

Iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17), and Christians are commanded to edify one another (1 Thes. 5:11).  

Therefore, using only Bible verses, change my mind, in your comments below, by proving this timeline contradicts the Bible.

Conclusions & Recommendations

There is little time left, so I beseech you to learn, convict yourself of your sins, confess, repent, get Born Again, get obedient.  God will forgive you, then likely bless you.

Psalm 83 War likely started Oct. 7, 2023.  Next comes WW3 with nukes, then the rise of AntiChrist as world dictator, persecution of Christians, the Mark of the Beast 666, then finally ~ Sept. 2030 is likely the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ.

What should you do about this?  

Immediately get on your knees and pray.  

Fear the One and only God, who has existed from eternity past, and will continue to exist to eternity future, who created the Earth, sun, moon, stars, and everything on Earth, including you and me.  

There has never been another God, and there never will be another God.  

Know God, believe in God, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ (who is truly God and truly man, who created everything in the universe that was created).  Love God with all your heart mind soul & strength, love everyone as yourself, forgive everyone, confess & repent all your sins to God, become Born Again, get baptized in water by full immersion to God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit, obey God's commandments, get iniquity  out of your life ASAP (ie. preplanned, premeditated, or chronic sin), give your testimony & preach the Gospel to all, pick up your cross & follow Jesus. Develop an intimate relationship with God by praying continuously, reading the Bible every day, being the light to the world through consistently practicing the Fruit of the Holy Spirit (ie. faith, longsuffering, patience, meekness, gentleness, temperance, goodness, righteousness, godliness, joy, peace, truth, and love).

Rapture likely occurs immediately AFTER the 7 yrs. of Tribulation, which is at the 2nd. Coming of Jesus Christ; likely on or about Sept. 2030.  See Mat 24:29-31.

If you truly do all the above, not just mindlessly or dispassionately, but with love and full passion as a child of the Almighty God, then God will welcome you to heaven for an eternity of joy, peace, contentment, & love.

Psalm 91 says 1,000 to your left will fall, and 10,000 to your right, but the pestilence will not touch those who are a child of God.

God's Love & 26 Commandments for Christians + Prayer Ver. A28

Friday 20 October 2023

Pleasure, Pain, & Suffering

We are now in God's End Times, with tribulation, pain & suffering for all:   

  • 7 years for Born Again Christians;
  • 14 years for Jews seeking their true Messiah;
  • Eternity for Athiests, and other  workers of iniquity.

Psalm 2 & 83

Right now, we are likely experiencing Psalm 83, and Psalm 2 simultaneously.

Nations, groups, and individuals seek unlimited power.  They want more than their fair share.  They don't want to folĺow God's laws.  They want to get their own way, all the time.  They don't want to compromise, nor have compassion nor love for others.

If not you, then your family, friends, neighbours, or acquaintences will likely suffer in these End Times.  Some may just suffer from having to be aware (or choosing to be aware) of the suffering experienced by others.

To help you and all others, I have written the following.  It may be somewhat mis-guided, or incomplete, or too pointed.  If so, please make suggestions so as to further improve it.

Pleasure, Pain, & Suffering

After the  fatal mistake of Adam & Eve, this became a fallen, evil world which is full of sin, iniquity, blasphemy, disease, pain, and suffering.

If that hasn't been bad enough for the last 6,000 years or so, we have now entered End Times, to now  receive Satan's worst, plus God's judgments.

Remember, this isn't our home.  We are merely sojourning here, passing through this land of God, on our way to our ultimate destination:   Heaven.

Fortunately, God originally created a beautiful, resource-filled world.  As we sojourn in this world, we have duties and responsibilities to God, ourselves, other people, and to God's creation.

There is a God created paradox in this world.  Even though this is a fallen evil world in which we are trapped, there is also  true love here.  There is also joy, peace, accomplishment, fulfillment, friendship, excitement, surprise, beauty, and many other treasures; all of which are often found in the most bizare and unexpected places.  To that, God adds an uncountable number of His blessings.  All this helps make this world exciting, bearable, and a mystery.


Some people seek after only pleasure, and avoid suffering and pain as much as possible.  Hedonism is the prioritizing of pleasure over all other life values.  Some will step over other people, lie, cheat, conspire, and do many other evils so as to gain an advantage in material wealth and hedonistic pleasure.  The Bible tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil (material wealth being a fungible form of money).  Hedonism  is believed to be independent of well-being. Culture, pragmatism, and rationalization; all potent weapons of Satan used against us, and God's creation in general, as they depict hedonistic lifestyles as an ideal to be admired and sought after.  Unfortunately hedonism is a mirage, a vacuum, an empty, unhappy place without transcending meaning and purpose; a place of selfish, unhealthy, unconcern with the well-being of others.

Therefore hedonism is not an effective alternative to suffering & pain.


What about being an isolated ostrich?  Can we, should we stick our proverbial head in the sand, and pretend nothing is going on, ignore all of it?

I was often told that as long as the sun comes up in the morning, that "ostrich" isn't interested in the least about what is going on in the world, nor what is in the newspaper, nor the radio, nor the TV, and certainly not what was on the Internet (they were over 70 years old).  They'll continue their life just as it us today.  That might work so long as nobody is actively trying to kill you; then what?  Also, where is their empathy, sympathy, compassion, and altruism for their neighbours?

God tells us to love our neighbours as we love ourselves.  Does ostrich mentality meet that commandment?  I don't think so.

Empathy, Sympathy, Compassion, Altruism

Empathy is the “natural capacity to share, understand, and respond with care to the affective states of others”.

Sympathy is more of a feeling of pity for another. Empathy is our ability to understand how someone feels while sympathy is our relief in not having the same problems.

Empathy refers more generally to our ability to take the perspective of and feel the emotions of another person, while compassion is when those feelings and thoughts include the desire to help.

Jesus taught us through His numerous examples of His compassion.

In normal circumstances with strangers, we have transactional interactions (eg. we exchange money to get a cup of coffee).  With friends and family, we do things out of love, or future reciprocity (ie. "you owe me one").  

With "altruism", those normal rules are suspended.  We do things for others with no expectation that they will ever pay, or owe us anything, or return the favor.  We often experience joy when their acute suffering comes to an end.  We do the right thing because that is what we would have liked or prayed for if the circumstances were reversed.

Psychopaths & CIPA

Psychopaths and anti-social persons are generally regarded to have a reduced ability, or no ability whatsoever to truly feel empsthy, compassion, sympathy, or altruistic feelings towards others.

Congenital insensitivity to pain and anhydrosis (CIPA) is a very rare and extremely dangerous condition. People with CIPA cannot feel pain. Pain-sensing nerves in these patients are not properly connected in parts of brain that receive the pain messages.  They have normal sensation of touch, heat, cold, vibration, etc.; but no pain.  This is a problem, as they are unaware of serious injuries to themselves, and cannot learn to be more careful, thereby avoid even worse injuries in the future.

Obviously, neither of these is 
 a solution to pain and suffering.


When somebody is sick, we pray for the sick, that they may have added strength through the Holy Spirit to continue, and find purpose in their suffering by the righteous changes their suffering causes in themselves, their family, their friends, their neighbours, and all strangers who cross their path.

Pain, suffering, grief, loss, and similar are powerful change agents.  They help us learn (or remind us) what is truly valuable in this life.  They are all used by God,  just as a competant healing physician uses surgery, powerful diagnostic tests, pharmaceutical drugs, and rehabilitation treatments to restore quality of life in a patient.

If we hedonistically seek to escape too soon, or at any cost, from pain, suffering, grief, loss, and similar; we are sometimes fighting against God's custom designed treatment plan for us.

Are there lessons we need to learn?  Values that need to be re-aligned?  Priorities that must be adjusted?  Dead, rotting, necrotizing, evil parts of us that need to be recognized as such, so that we willingly and eagerly choose to cut them off, burn them up, and separate them from our good, clean, functional, righteous self.  Is there excess baggage and millstone tied around our neck that we must jettison?

Pain, suffering, grief, and loss tend to slow us down and create open time in our busy schedule.  This freed up time is best spent with God, reading His Word, praying, and listening.  These prepare us to then implement a new, better, more righteous plan for our life.  Do not get stuck in the reading phase, nor the praying phase, nor the listening phase.  Do not do a superficial, half-baked effort of reading the Word, praying, and listening for God.  These must all work together; just like a great chef uses a blend of salt, sugar, spices, and texture; and avoids excessive amounts of any ingredient.

Pain, suffering, grief, and loss will not be with you forever.  The faster you learn your lessons, the faster you make the necessary changes, the sooner God can remove these powerful change agents from your life, and reward you with blessings galore.

Job was fully healed by God after Satan tested and tormented him.  Job, his wife, his 3 friends, and millions of us who read about Job in the Bible all learned valuable lessons through Job's misery and sickness.  God doubled His blessing on Job, more than fully restoring him. 

God turned Satan's evil against Job into good.  I suggest that God will do the same for your illness, pain, and suffering.

Pain, suffering, grief, and loss sometimes arise as natural consequences from prior  trauma in our lives.  Apostle Paul had a thorn in his flesh, for which he repeatedly prayed to God for healing.  Eventually, God said, "No, not now, not yet".  

When we, the Born Again Christians, are raptured at the 2nd. Coming of Jesus Christ, we will receive an eternal, perfect body.  God wants the change at that time to be obvious, and our joy therefrom, to last for all eternity.  If all our aches and pains are healed now, that miraculous change won't be so miraculous.  Therefore consider these bearable aches and pains as scars and medals commemorating our hard fought battles that we won and survived.  Bear them with strength and honour.

Friday 13 October 2023

Sudden Destruction on or about Oct. 14, 2023

 Erin, End Times Prophetess of God, her latest prophecy:

USA and Israel share a similar fate.

Dream 736 – The Darkness comes before the Dawn Breaks

Received on Wednesday, October 11, 2023

2 day warning by the evil ones

Oct. 14, 2023 solar ring eclipse warning sent by God.


God sweeps clean the evil from the sites He destroyed.

Dream 737 – Sweeping Clean the Unclean Lands

Received on Thursday, October 12, 2023


It appears this is our 2 day warning  of huge destruction of Israel by her enemies, followed by God's sure destruction of Israel's enemies.

Israel will likely be viciously attacked on Oct. 14, 2023, maybe beginning the evening of Oct. 13.

USA, and all or most other Western nations that have been receiving millions of refugees over last 10 years or so will likely be attacked by terrorist sleeper cells (mainly extremist Islamists connected to Iran, but may include others, such as Anarchists, Marxist-Leninists, Black Lives Matter, N. Korean, Chinese, etc.) that also entered while hidden within the refugees.  This will likely include Canada.

These terrorists attacks may continue on & off, likely reaching a peak in the USA at US Thanksgiving.

God's response will likely include the total destruction of Damascus, as prophesied in Isaiah 17:1.  It is interesting that Hamas, the Gaza terrorists that viciously attacked Israel on Oct. 7th, that their political leadership is located in Damascus, Syria.  God will soon sweep them all away.

Pray continuously.  Pray for Jerusalem.  Pray for Israel.  Pray for the innocent who are in harms way.  Pray for the souls of the enemy, that they turn away from their evil and repent.

If you are a luke-warm Christian, or a nominal Christian, or a non-Christian, save yourself before it's too late.  Here is how:

God's Love & 26 Commandments for Christians + Prayer Ver. A28

Human Transition to Heaven or Hell V. 31

Saturday 7 October 2023

Psalm 83 War is Here

It appears that as of sunrise Jerusalem time on Oct. 7, 2023 the Psalm 83 War has begun.

Wikipedia informs us that this start date is exactly 50 years after the Yom Kippur War, also known as the Ramadan War, the October War, the 1973 Arab-lsraeli War, or the Fourth Arab-Israeli War, which was an armed conflict fought from October 6 to 25, 1973, between Israel and a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria.

I believe this is not just another skirmish, but is the real thing for the following reasons:

  1. Hamas has done an all-out attack from Gaza: knocking down border wall, attacking inside Israel, kidnapping Israelis and transporting them back to Gaza.
  2. Hamas calling for an uprising by Palestinians in West Bank.
  3. Hamas calling for Muslins to capture and seizing control of Temple Mount.
  4. Iranian Parliament chanting "Death to Israel", and calling for all their allies, Muslim or otherwise, to attack Israel.
  5. Taliban in Afghanistan wanting to come so as to kill Israelis.
  6. Hezbollah in Lebanon, with the world's largest private army, has stated they are ready to attack and kill Jews.
  7. There is over 200,000 rockets ready to attack Israel (~1 rocket for every  35 acres of Israel).  In the opening few hours, 6,000 of those rockets have aleady been launched.  At this rate of 500 rockets/hr., they can continue the bombardment for 400 hrs., or 16.6 days non-stop.
For more information on Ps. 83 War, see:

Dominos Are Falling

You may be thinking "That's a long way away, and I don't know anybody over there".

Wrong thinking!

First, God calls upon everybody to pray for Israel and Jerusalem, for they are the apple of God's eye.  

Those who curse them will be cursed by God.  Those who bless them will be blessed by God.

Secondly, Russia is a strong allie of Iran.

Ps. 83 War will be a rocket & drone war.  The action will not likely stop there.  This will likely grow into WW3, and it will likely go nuclear.  This is likely when Damascus gets nuked, as described in Isaiah Chapter 17.  

The Bible says 1/4 of the world's population (2 Billion people) will soon be killed; directly by war, suicide, or the resulting shortages of energy, food, and other essentials.

Nobody escapes, especially since Pre-Trib. Rapture is a myth.

Pray and prepare.  Pray especially for Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jews.  Pray also for the souls of those attacking and killing Jews, that they realize their errors and have a "Come to Jesus" moment.

Preparing for Heaven

To be saved & go to Heaven, you must:   

fear God (Prov 1:7, Eccles 12:13, Mat 10:28); know God (2 Pet 3:18); love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mat 22:37-39); be Born Again (John 3:3); water baptized in the name of God The Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit by full  immersion (Mat 28:19); fully forgive all those who trespassed against you (Mat 6:14-15); confess to God all your sins and repent with a contrite heart (1 John 1:9); pray to God for forgiveness of your sins (Heb 8:12); obey God’s commandments (OT laws except Temple ceremonial laws and as modified in NT, plus NT laws; see our document God's 26 Commandments for Christians

 https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2019/12/gods-26-commandments-for-christians.html ) 

to the best of your ability (John 14:15); maintain a deep, loving, & intimate relationship with God (eg. read the Bible every day (2 Tim 3:16); pray to God continually (1 Thes 5:17), etc.), avoid blaspheming the Holy Spirit, don't take the Mark of the Beast 666, do not worship the Beast nor its image, do not contaminate your DNA so as to be less than 100% human.

Wednesday 4 October 2023

High Watch Oct. 31- Nov. 4, 2023

I am calling a High Watch period for Oct. 31, 2023 to Nov. 4, 2023 based upon the following logic and Biblical events.

Repoman64 is a Watchman who has spent 40 years attempting to develop a calendar that synchronizes all Biblical events.  Based on my non-exhaustive review of his work, it appears his calendar, using the Equilux dates, is aligned with the Bible, is plausible, and useful.  The most recent version of his calendar can be downloaded from:


According to Repoman64's Equilux calendar:

Dec. 15, 2023 is Tevet 1 for Moses until today, and Tammuz 1 for Noah and prior.  It is the anniversary date for the removal of Adam & Eve from the Garden of Eden, and the end of Hannakuh in 2023.

It is suggested that Dec. 15th is equivalent to God turning man over to Satan, in a fallen evil world.

In 2023, this might be aligned with the rise of the AntiChrist.

Sept. 25, 2023 was prophesied as the date that we have crossed over into End Times, the last 7 years on Earth as we have known it.  See Erin's dream and prophecy: Dream 732 – Behold Yom Kippur, http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-732/ 

Satan, often camoflaged as The Assyrian &/or Gog is described in End Times by:   Psa 2:1–12; Isa 10:5–11, 24; Isa 14:25; Isa 19:23; Isa 30:31; Isa 31:8; Isa 52:4; Eze 31:3; Eze 38:10–12, 16–17; Eze 39:4,11; Hos 5:13; Hos 11:5; Mic 5:5–6; Jhn 12:31; 2Co 4:4; Eph 2:2–3; Rev 17:12–14; Rev 20:7–8.

The rise and reign of the AntChrist during End Times is described in: Dan 7:1–12, 23–28; Dan 8:23–25; Dan 11:6, 24–45; Zec 11:15–17;  2Th 2:2–12; 1Jo 2:18–23; 1Jo 4:1–6; 2Jo 1:7; Rev 13:1–10.

God wants to save as many of His people and His creation from Satanic destruction as possible.

One plausible theory is that God does something supernatural &/or scary, so as to wake up most people, creating a "Come to Jesus" moment.  Having a revival immediately after this scary event will likely maximize the number of people who choose God.

Ninevah received 40 days to repent.  Jesus said we would receive the sign of Noah and Jonah in End Times.  Perhaps we too will receive 40 days of revival & repentance.

If we are turned over to Satan and AntiChrist on Dec. 15, counting backwards 40 days gives Nov. 4th.

There have been numerous prophecies of "Three Days of Darkness", similar to a Moses plague in Egypt against Pharaoh.  It is suggested that a total electrical-electronic blackout in 2023 will certainly grab everybody's attention.  That would occur Nov. 1st to 3rd. in this theory.

Before the "Three Days of Darkness" would be Oct. 31st.

Oct. 31, 2023 is Hallowe'en, Heshvan 17 for Moses until today, and Iyar 17 for Noah and prior.  This is the anniversary day that Adam & Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, and the day the Ark's door is shut and sealed by God, and the day that the Great Flood begins.

Those historical evens are like a foreshadow for 2023.  Oct. 31st is a satanic festival day.  I imagine Satan and his corrupted governments have a whopper of a surprise for us on that day.

The closing and sealing of the Ark door may be similar to the shutting of the door to the 5 foolish virgin due to their late arrival, as in Mat 25:1-13.  I suggest this is the possible cut-off date for True Christian vs. Luke-warm Christians.  The Luke-warm ones will have to prove their live for Jesus Christ as God and their Lord and Saviour by their death as a martyr in Christ during End Times.

The True Christians who made the deadline may become Overcomers who are sealed and annointed by God so as to run the 40 day revival as disciples of Christ.

While many believe in a Pre-Trib. Rapture (first invented in 1827 AD, very late in Christian history), Dr. Robert Mawire, a prophet of God, has repeatedly stated this is a misinterpretation of the Bible, that the rapture is Post-Trib. Pre-Wrath as indicated by Mat 24:29-30 and other similar verses; at or about the 2nd. Coming of Jesus Christ, around Sept. 2030.  Therefore Overcomers is the more likely use of the True Christians.

Time will soon tell if this theory is true, or just an unsubstantiated idea.

Thursday 28 September 2023

Christian Persecution and a Miracle

The concept of Christian persecution in North America is a mirage, an abstraction.  People wrongly believe that only happened in the ancient past.  A few senior citizens may remember it occurring under Communism, or Muslim countries.

We need to wake up to Christian persecution.

Alexander Ogorodnikov:   A Christian Dissident in the USSR

Alexander Ogorodnikov was a Russian citizen, an Atheist, a student at Moscow’s Institute of Cinematography who suddenly become Russian Orthodox Christian after watching Pasolini’s 1964 film “The Gospel According to St. Matthew”.  He set up a number of Christian groups all across the USSR called the Christian Seminar.  Eventually, the KGB finds him, threatens him, and persecutes him for his Christian beliefs.  The KGB finally gives him an ultimatum to leave the USSR, or be arrested and jailed forever.  He decided to stay in USSR, and be a martyr.  In 1978, the government sent him to Habarosk Prison, to a large cell of hardened criminals, hoping the hardened criminals will “take care of him”.  He remained in prison as a Christian martyr until 1987 (9 years in jail), then was released, and emigrated to the West.  The Berlin Wall came down in 1989.  The USSR collapsed in 1991.

The following is an excerpt from "Live Not By Lies: A manual for Christian dissidents", Rod Dreher, (c) 2020 Rod Dreher, Sentinal Penguin Random House, P. 160-161.

The Miracle of the Cigarettes

If you believe that God exists, then you must also believe that miracles are possible.  Christians live by faith, but sometimes, God sends a message to remind us that he exists and has not abandoned us.  Drinking tea in the lobby of a Moscow hotel, Alexander Ogorodnikov tells a story about an extremely improbable thing that happened to him upon entering a Soviet prison---something that signaled to him that God led him to that vault of human misery for a higher purpose.

"When they put me in the cell with the other inmates, I said, 'Peace be with you!"' Ogorodnikov remembers.  "One of the prisoners asked if I was a Christian.  I said yes.  He told me to prove it.  Another inmate said, 'We are the scum of the earth.  We don't even have cigarettes.  If your God will give us cigarettes, we'll all believe in him."'

Ogorodnikov told his fellow prisoners that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and smoking fouls it.  But, he continued, God loves you so much that I believe he would even give you cigarettes as a sign of his mercy.  Ogorodnikov asked them all to stand and pray together for this.  Everybody laughed, but they stood respectfully as he led them in prayer.

"That cell was very crowded, but it became very quiet,'' he recalls.  "We prayed for fifteen minutes, then I told them the prayer was over and they could sit down.  At just that moment, the guards opened the cell door and threw a bunch of cigarettes into the cell." 

"That really happened?!" I ask, astonished.

"That really happened," he answers.  "It was incredible.  There was the sign I had prayed for.  The prisoners shouted, 'God exists! He exists!' And that is when I knew that God was speaking to me too.  He was telling me that he had a mission for me here in this prison.''

Alexander Ogorodnikov thus began his life hidden behind the walls of the Soviet prison system.  But he was not hidden from God.  And because of that, as the Christian dissident would learn, God manifested through his fidelity to those damned to die before a firing squad who were desperate for a sign of hope.  Ogorodnikov's connection to God would be, to these wretched men, their only lifeline.

Cigarette Miracle References



Pasolini's 1964 film "The Gospel According to St. Matthew" (Italian, English sub-titles):   https://youtu.be/OpX5dD5jtaw?si=8NkYi8Vh22CPTgTB

Pew Research Data on Christian Persecution


Pew Research data on Christian persecution for 2007 to 2019
finds an average increase of 3.93%/yr, which doubles and
re-doubles every 17.8 years.

News Reports on Christian Persecution

Persecution includes tortured, killed, executed, arrested for no crime at all, just being a Christian.  Tolerance of Christianity is dropping, intolerance is increasing.

Christian now the most persecuted, happening everywhere, especially in Muslim countries, and Afghanistan.

Even Western countries are persecuting Christians.

Western democracies are no longer Christian majorities.

Whites and Christians are not being protected under the laws that protect against discrimination.

CBN News Report on Christian Persecution

world watch list:  open doors 30 years ago started list of persecution
started with 1 man researching, now 4,000 people involved in compiling the list.

We are all part of the same body, so what affects one part, affects all parts

[1Co 12:12-13 KJV] 12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also [is] Christ. 13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether [we be] Jews or Gentiles, whether [we be] bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

We are commanded to remember those in jail, especially fellow Christians who are unjustly persecuted for their faith 

[Heb 13:3 KJV] 3 Remember them that are in bonds [prison], as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.

Afghanistan shot up to the worst country that persecutes Christians, where they are killed, or exiled, or forced underground after the US vacated; this trend is now coming down some.  

Radical Islam wants it to be the dominant religion, and/or the exclusive religion in their Muslim majority country.

Nigerian radical Islamic groups are attacking & killing Christian on a regular basis.  Open Door is most concerned about sub-Sahara Africa, where the church is under huge pressure.


OpenDoors 2023 Christian Persecution Top 50 Countries

OpenDoor Christian Persecution Data for 2023