High Priority Posts

High Priority Posts

We live in troubled times. The 7 years of God's End Times likely begin on or about Sept. 17-28, 2020 with many tribulations occurring soon thereafter (ie. evil events by Satan &/or judgements by God).

If you suddenly die before you are a Born Again, True Christian, you are doomed to eternity in Hell. With End Times starting soon, many more people (thousands to millions to billions more) will die through Satan's evil plans. DO NOT ignore this warning, nor procrastinate!

Here is what you need to know, and take immediate action on:

1. Likely sequence of events during God's End Times Document Section, https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/p/documents.html

2. God's 26 Commandments for Christians (includes detailed instructions on how to become a Born Again True Christian): Document Section, https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/p/documents.html

3. Human Transition towards Eternity (Heaven or Hell). Every human will have eternal life; some in Heaven, most in Hell. This diagram describes who, how, when, and why someone goes to Heaven or Hell. https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2020/08/human-transition-towards-eternity.html

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Prophecy of Black Dragon, Red Wedding

Erin, Prophetess of God, and her latest dream prophecy:

Dream 829:   Michael and the Valley of Decision

Received Tuesday July 23, 2024.


Satan and his Black Dragon are on the move.  

This prophecy exposes the truth about what they recently did, and what they are about to do.

The Black Dragon plans on a "Red Wedding" in Washington DC in Sept. 2024.

I'm sure that he is so deceived, he feels he will be doing God a favor with his Red Wedding.  Nothing could be further from God's Truth.

I suspect that God may be holding a mirror image event sooner than that; a significant plot twist (á la Zech 11:17, &/or Habakkuk 1:5, or similar), which may be quite a surprise for the Black Dragon.

[Zec 11:17 KJV] "17 Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened."

[Hab 1:5 NET] "5 Look at the nations and pay attention! You will be shocked and amazed! For I will do something in your lifetime that you will not believe even though you are forewarned."

I think the Black Dragon is likely the idol shepherd in Zech 11:17.

I have alway had a strong feeling of disgust towards disloyalty and treason; either on a personal basis, towards me or others, or on a national or humankind basis.

How about you?

As Erin said, get your house in order today.  Do not delay.  Get close to God, for this is the only protection available, under His shadow.  

Get &/or strengthen your intimate relationship with Jesus Christ as your God, Lord, Saviour, and friend.

The following should help non-Christians, luke-warm Christians, and badly deceived so-called pseudo-Christians to wake up and quickly make the necessary changes.

Salvation & Protection

For unrepentant sinners, God hates their evil deeds (Psalm 5:5), is angry at them every day (Psalm 7:11), hates their actions (Proverbs 6:18), hates their worship (Proverbs 15:8), hates their ways (Proverbs 15:9), hates their thoughts (Proverbs 15:26), is far from the wicked (Prov. 15:29), and refuses to hear their prayers for help (John 9:31, Isaiah 59:1-2, Jer. 7:16, Mica 3:4; Ezek 8:18, 1 Pet 3:12).

Prayers of an unrepented sinner are an abomination to God, and become sin in themselves (Prov 28:9, Ps 109:7).

Unlike the unrepentant sinners, God hears the prayers of the righteous (Prov. 15:29, Ps. 34:17-19), & helps the righteous, obedient, children of God:

[Psa 34:17-19 KJV] "17 The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. 18 The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. 19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all."

2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

Unrepentant sinners will be tried by God & convicted, then thrown alive into Hell (ie. The Lake of Fire), where they will have no rest, neither day nor night, but suffer burning & torment for ever & ever (Rev. 14:11, 20:10, 15). There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 8:12, 13:42, 50; 22:13, 24:51, 25:30; Luke 13:28)

If you want to go to Heaven, and avoid Hell, you must confess & repent all your sins to God, and ask for God's forgiveness; be a Born Again Christian who received the Holy Spirit's baptism by fire; fully believes in the true Jesus Christ; love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; loves all others as you love yourself; forgives the trespasses of all others; seeks to lovingly obey God's commandments; get all iniquity (pre-planned, or chronic sin) out of your life; hate sin; pick up your cross & follows Jesus by sharing your testimony, preaching the Gospel, and doing good works as proof of your salvation; don't do the Unforgiveable Sin; and don't take the Mark of the Beast.

If you aren't a fool, here is a link to what you need to know & do immediately.  

This is urgent, as WW3 begins within a few hours to a few weeks, so don't delay.  All are welcome to fully join God's winning side.

The following is a summary of 300+ Bible verses to help you quickly get started.

God's 26 Commandments for Christians


Monday 22 July 2024

Choose Your Poison

Erin is an End Times Prophetess of God.  Here is her latest prophecy:


Erin suggests that our national &/or individual sins require judgment from God, so as to prepare us for repentance and drawing nearer our God.

I sense Three Days of Darkness will be the fastest & most effective.

Praying that God's Will be done by our leaders is a great prayer suggestion.  I will immediately add that to my prayers of wisdom & compassion for them.

Now why didn't I think of that myself?

I guess that's why we have a God, to help guide us.

I vote for the 3 Days of Darkness, and will pray for this.  I think it is the fastest & most effective solution to get people to come to God.  It is my preferred poison for the cure.

God's Double Cure

This will likely mean we soon experience a giant solar CME, huge earthquake, then a solar micro-nova with three days of darkness.

This may come on Aug. 13-15, 2024 when Jupiter (representing USA, NATO, &  Western World) enters a 3 day conjunction with Mars, plus the 9th of Av on Aug. 13th; then the 16th, the day after this celestial warning.

Next, God's Overcomers are annointed & sealed to lead God's revival:

Overcomers give their testimony, preach the Gospel, drive out demons, heal the sick, baptize the converted, preparing them for the fiery baptism of the Holy Spirit, and eternal salvation as a Born Again Christian, and a lovingly obedient child of God. 

Salvation & Protection

For unrepentant sinners, God hates their evil deeds (Psalm 5:5), is angry at them every day (Psalm 7:11), hates their actions (Proverbs 6:18), hates their worship (Proverbs 15:8), hates their ways (Proverbs 15:9), hates their thoughts (Proverbs 15:26), is far from the wicked (Prov. 15:29), and refuses to hear their prayers for help (John 9:31, Isaiah 59:1-2, Jer. 7:16, Mica 3:4; Ezek 8:18, 1 Pet 3:12).

Prayers of an unrepented sinner are an abomination to God, and become sin in themselves (Prov 28:9, Ps 109:7).

Unlike the unrepentant sinners, God hears the prayers of the righteous (Prov. 15:29, Ps. 34:17-19), & helps the righteous, obedient, children of God:

[Psa 34:17-19 KJV] "17 The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. 18 The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. 19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all."

2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

Unrepentant sinners will be tried by God & convicted, then thrown alive into Hell (ie. The Lake of Fire), where they will have no rest, neither day nor night, but suffer burning & torment for ever & ever (Rev. 14:11, 20:10, 15). There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 8:12, 13:42, 50; 22:13, 24:51, 25:30; Luke 13:28)

If you want to go to Heaven, and avoid Hell, you must confess & repent all your sins to God, and ask for God's forgiveness; be a Born Again Christian who received the Holy Spirit's baptism by fire; fully believes in the true Jesus Christ; love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; loves all others as you love yourself; forgives the trespasses of all others; seeks to lovingly obey God's commandments; get all iniquity (pre-planned, or chronic sin) out of your life; hate sin; pick up your cross & follows Jesus by sharing your testimony, preaching the Gospel, and doing good works as proof of your salvation; don't do the Unforgiveable Sin; and don't take the Mark of the Beast.

If you aren't a fool, here is a link to what you need to know & do immediately.  

This is urgent, as WW3 begins within a few hours to a few weeks, so don't delay.  All are welcome to fully join God's winning side.

The following is a summary of 300+ Bible verses to help you quickly get started.

God's 26 Commandments for Christians


Monday 8 July 2024

God's D-Day 2024

I declare a "Highest of High Watch" between now and Aug. 16, 2024 (3 days after the 9th of Av on the Hebrew calendar).

This watch is based on the following three independant prophecies by well known End Times Prophets of God:





Dr. Robert Mawire


Our God is a God of history.  Patterns repeat, there is nothing new under the sun (Ecc. 1:9).  None of these three prophecies mention a specific date, only that there are no more warnings, and that God's Big Move is imminent.

Habakkuk the prophet, and others cried out to God for help when they were surrounded by evil.

[Hab 1:1-4 KJV] "1 The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see. 2 O LORD, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save! 3 Why dost thou shew me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention. 4 Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth. 

To which Almighty God responded:

[Hab 1:5 KJV] 5 Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you."

Hab. 1:5 had been quoted by Erin since June 2016, in Dream 204


It has been quoted by Julie since Dec 21, 2017:    Do or die Your way or Mine?

[no longer listed on her Blog ?? ]

It appears to me that day of reckoning is just a few days away.

This may be Three Days of Darkness, or a major crisis for Israel, or similar event that upsets the whole world, thereby kicking off God's Revival, saving souls from Hell.

Those who volunteered to be Overcomers will likely be sealed & annointed, then sent forth throughout the world to preach the Gospel, drive out demons, heal the sick, perform miracles, raise the dead, and other great exploits for the greater glory of God.

Jewish Historical Dates of Note

Based on Dr. Mawire's calendar that suggested May 27, 2024 as the Israeli turning point, now well past, and I had no other obvious date in mind for what comes next in God's End Times calendar, I surveyed "This Day in Jewish History" on http://chabad.org (copied below for key items) to find a few candidates.  The key Jewish dates & events are as follows:

Thursday, July 11, 2024
5 Tammuz, 5784

Ezekiel's Vision of the "Chariot" (429 BCE)

On the 5th of Tammuz of the year 3332 from creation (429 BCE), Ezekiel, among the only prophets to prophesy outside of the Holy Land, beheld a vision of the Divine "Chariot" representing the spiritual infrastructure of creation.

Friday, July 12, 2024
6 Tammuz, 5784

Entebbe Rescue (1976)

Jewish hostages held by Arab terrorists at Entebbe Airport, Uganda, were rescued by Israeli commando units in 1976.

Sunday, July 14, 2024
8 Tammuz, 5784

Spanish Inquisition Abolished (1834)

On July 15, 1834, the Office of the Spanish Inquisition was abolished by the Queen Mother Maria Christina, after nearly three and a half centuries. However, the right of public worship (including permission to mark places of worship and advertise religious services) was not granted to the Jews until 1967.

Monday, July 15, 2024
9 Tammuz, 5784

Jerusalem Walls Breached (423 BCE)

The Babylonian armies of King Nebuchadnezzar breached the walls of Jerusalem on the 9th of Tammuz in the year 3338 from creation (423 BCE); King Ziddikiahu of Judah was captured and taken to Babylon (Jeremiah 39:5. A month later, the capture of Jerusalem was completed with the destruction of the Holy Temple and the exile of all but a small number of Jews to Babylon). Tammuz 9 was observed as a fast day until the second breaching of Jerusalem's walls (by the Romans) on the 17th of Tammuz, 3829 (69 CE), at which time the fast was moved to that date. (Talmud, Rosh Hashanah and Tur Orach Chaim 549)

Tuesday, July 16, 2024
10 Tammuz, 5784

King Zedekiah captured (423 BCE)

When the Babylonians breached the walls of Jerusalem on the 9th of Tammuz, King Zedekiah fled the city. He was captured by Babylonian troops in the plains of Jericho on the 10th of Tammuz and was taken to King Nebuchadnezzar, who forced him to witness the slaughter of his sons, and then ordered his eyes gouged out.

Monday, July 22, 2024
16 Tammuz, 5784

Golden Calf Made; Hur Killed (1313 BCE)

In the year 2448 from Creation (1313 BCE), Tammuz 16 was the 40th day following the Giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, and the people of Israel wrongly expected Moses' return from the mountain (he would actually return on the following day). When their leader failed to return, they demanded from Aaron: "Make us a god that shall go before us". Hur (Moses' nephew, the son of Miriam and Caleb) tried to stop them and was killed by the mob. Aaron fashioned a calf of molten gold.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024
17 Tammuz, 5784

Moses Breaks Tablets (1313 BCE)

The Talmud (Taanit 28b) lists five tragic events in Jewish history that occurred on Tammuz 17, on account of which a fast was instituted on this day (see Laws & Customs").

The first of these occurred in 1313 BCE, forty days after the Giving of the Torah on Sivan 6. Upon descending Mount Sinai and witnessing Israel's worship of the Golden Calf (see "Today in Jewish History" for yesterday, Tammuz 16), Moses smashed the Tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments which he was carrying down from the mountain.

Temple Service Disrupted (423 BCE)

The daily sacrificial offerings (Korban Tamid) in the Holy Temple were discontinued, three weeks before the Babylonians' destruction of the First Temple in 423 BCE.

Jerusalem Walls Breached (69 CE)

The other three national tragedies mourned on Tammuz 17 are connected with the Roman conquest of Jerusalem and their destruction of the Second Temple in the year 69 CE:

--The walls of the besieged city of Jerusalem were breached.

--The Roman general Apostomus burned the Torah and,

--placed an idol in the Holy Temple.

The fighting in Jerusalem continued for three weeks until the 9th of Av, when the Holy Temple was set aflame.

Fast Day

Tammuz 17 is a fast day, devoted to mourning the breaching of Jerusalem's walls and the other tragic events that occurred on this day (see "Today in Jewish History") and repenting and rectifying their causes. We refrain from all food and drink from "daybreak" (about an hour before sunrise, depending on location) until nightfall. Special prayers and Torah readings are added to the day's services.  Jerusalem, the destruction of the Holy Temple and the dispersion of the Jewish people.  Weddings and other joyful events are not held during this period; like mourners, we do not cut our hair, and various pleasurable activities are limited or proscribed. (Consult the Code of Jewish Law (Shulchan Aruch) or a qualified rabbi regarding specific proscriptions).  The Lubavitcher Rebbe urged that the Three Weeks should be a time of increased giving of charity and Torah study (in keeping with the verse (Isaiah 1:27), "Zion shall be redeemed by law, and her returnees by charity"), particularly the study of those portions of Torah that deal with the laws and the deeper significance of the Holy Temple.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024
18 Tammuz, 5784

Golden Calf Destroyed (1313 BCE)

Moses destroyed the Golden Calf, and re-ascended Mount Sinai to plead God's forgiveness for the Jewish people. (Exodus 32:20; Talmud Taanit 30b. See "Today in Jewish History" for Tammuz 16 and Tammuz 17)

"The Three Weeks"

During the Three Weeks, from 17th of Tamuz to the 9th of Av, we commemorate the conquest of Jerusalem, the destruction of the Holy Temple and the dispersion of the Jewish people.  Weddings and other joyful events are not held during this period; like mourners, we do not cut our hair, and various pleasurable activities are limited or proscribed. (The particular mourning customs vary from community to community, so consult a competent halachic authority for details.)  Citing the verse (Isaiah 1:27) "Zion shall be redeemed with mishpat [Torah] and its returnees with tzedakah," the Rebbe urged that we increase in Torah study (particularly the study of the laws of the Holy Temple) and charity during this period.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024
24 Tammuz, 5784

Jews of Jerusalem are set aflame (1099)

When the crusaders captured Jerusalem during the First Crusade, the Jews of Jerusalem fled into a synagogue. The crusaders then set flame to the synagogue, burning alive all the Jewish men, women, and children who had taken refuge there. All Jews were barred from living in the city of Jerusalem for the following 88 years.

Monday, August 5, 2024
1 Av, 5784

Passing of Aaron (1274 BCE)

Aaron the first High Priest, brother of Moses and Miriam, passed away at age 123 on the 1st of Av of the year 2487 from creation (1274 BCE). This is the only yahrzeit (date of passing) explicitly mentioned in the Torah (Numbers 33:38).

Sunday, August 11, 2024
7 Av, 5784

First Temple Invaded (423 BCE)

After nearly a month of fierce fighting inside Jerusalem (see "Today in Jewish History" for Tammuz 9), the armies of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia broke through into the Temple compound, where they feasted and vandalized until the afternoon of Av 9, when they set the Holy Temple aflame.

Monday, August 12, 2024
8 Av, 5784

Spies Return (1312 BCE)

The Spies dispatched 40 days earlier by Moses to tour the Promised Land return to Israel's encampment in the desert, bearing a huge cluster of grapes and other lush fruits. But even as they praise the land's fertility, they terrify the people with tales of mighty giant warriors dwelling there and assert that the land is unconquerable.

Civil War in Jerusalem (67 CE)

Fighting breaks out inside the besieged city of Jerusalem between Jewish factions divided on the question of whether or not to fight the Roman armies encircling the city from without. One group sets fire to the city's considerable food stores, consigning its population to starvation until the fall of Jerusalem three years later.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024
9 Av, 5784

Exodus Generation Condemned to Die in Desert (1312 BCE)

On the Ninth of Av of the year 2449 from creation (1312 BCE), the generation of Jews who came out of Egypt under Moses' leadership 16 months earlier were condemned to die in the desert and the entry into the Land of Israel was delayed for 40 years.

Holy Temples Destroyed (423 BCE and 69 CE)

Both the first and second Holy Temples which stood in Jerusalem were destroyed on Av 9: the First Temple by the Babylonians in the year 3338 from creation (423 BCE), and the second by the Romans in 3829 (69 CE).

Fall of Betar (133 CE)

Betar, the last stronghold in the heroic Bar Kochba rebellion, fell to the Romans on the 9th of Av of the year 3893 (133 CE) after a three-year siege. 580,000 Jews died by starvation or the sword, including Bar Kochba, the leader of the rebellion.

Expulsion From England (1290)

On this date in 1290, King Edward I of England issued an Edict of Expulsion, ordering the expulsion of all Jews from his territory.

Spanish Expulsion (1492)

The Jews of Spain were expelled by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella on the 9th of Av of 1492, terminating many centuries of flourishing Jewish life in that country.

Celestial Eclipses

On Sept. 18, 2024 there is a partial lunar eclipse.

On Oct. 2, 2024 there is an annular solar eclipse.

As both of these are well past our Watch window, these appear to not add additional data for consideration.

Celestial Zodiac Alignment

God told us that the planets and star are for signs and seasons.

Various planets represent groups and events.

Using Stellarium, we see the following alignments and events in our Watch window:

Mars= War

On July 15, 2024 Mars is close to conjunction with Uranus, while in constellation Taurus.  

According to Dr. Mawire, Uranus is associated with Satan's earthly goverance, politics, evil, etc.

Taurus is traditionally associated with Israel.

I suggest this July 15th date as all-out attack by Hezbollah (and possibly other Iranian proxies, and neighbouring Shia Muslims), all coming against Israel

Israel likely puts up a valiant fight, but the Psalm 83 War, which Israel has been winning from Oct. 8, 2023 (ie. day after Hamas' terror attack on Oct. 7th) till July 14th, 2024 then the war likely suddenly turns against Israel.  

The Psalm 83 War likely keeps getting worse & worse for Israel, until by the 9th of Av (Aug. 13th, 2024), Jerusalem is likely sacked.  

Beginning on Aug. 13th, continuing for 3 days, Mars is in conjunction with Jupiter, the King planet, in Taurus (which represents Israel &/or Jerusalem) likely meaning Israel is being rescued by USA, &/or war coming to USA.

Mercury= Finances

Mercury is associated with commerce, stock market, banks, etc.  

Today, Mercury is in the constellation Cancer, but enters Leo (associated with God &/or Israel) on July 20th 2024.  This is just 5 days after the Mars-Uranus conjunction noted above.

It is suggested all the world's finances scurry for cover at the all-out war against Israel expands.

On Aug. 6th, perhaps the Israeli &/or Ukranian war news is so bad that a world-wide economic collapse occurs.  

This is the day that Mercury goes into retrograde motion (travels backwards, going West to East, as seen from Earth).  

Retrograde Mercury may be a reversal of all the world's bull markets, to become perma-bears.

Neptune= Nature

On Jul. 25th, the Moon (often representing Israel) is in conjunction with Neptune.

This may signal Satan releasing huge storms, earthquakes, etc. against Israel.

Uranus= Politics

On Jul 29th, Uranus is in conjunction with the Moon.  

Uranus represent political systems, and the Moon often represents Israel.  

Does this mean that stress of the mounting war losses, cripling of the Israeli economy, factions and further splintering in the War Cabinet, mounting protests on the Israeli streets, etc.

Will this manifest as a boiling point, with Israeli in-fighting, blaming, rabid fear, fleeing of citizens, and collapse of the Knesset goverment?

Jupiter= USA

Jupiter represents the ruler, so likely identifies with USA, currently the "leader of the free world".  

Does this mean that USA helps defend Israel?  The conjunction the begins on Aug. 13th, the 9th of Av, between Mars & Jupiter, and lasts 3 days.

Are USA carrier fleets attacking Israel's enemies for those 3 days of conjunction, so as to help save Israel from sure destruction?

Aug. 16, 2024 (2024-8-16, which give Gematria sum of: 20+24+8+16= 68, which Watchman Jarret, Supernatural By Design, suggests a Gematria of 68 is associated with WW3).

The USA is directly against Iran and its proxies in this scenario, while Russia has pledged to defend its alliessuch as Lebanon, Syria, and Iran  (ie. up to and including the use of Russian nuclear weapons).

Therefore, likely after USA intercedes for Israel on Aug. 13th-15th, will Russia do a nuclear attack against USA in retaliation on Aug. 16, 2024?

Henry Gruver's prophecy of Russia's 7 nuke attack against USA:


President Biden has recently moved USA away from 70+ years of blessing Israel, to suddenly cursing Israel; thereby inviting God to curse USA.

It is also interesting that there are 40 days between July 4, 2024 (USA Independence Day) and 9th of Av (Jewish tragedy day, on Aug. 13, 2024); which might be interpreted to a 40 days notice of judgment, similar to what was given to Ninevah before its potential judgment by God.

If the USA is destroyed on Aug. 16th, that may give free license to the Shia Muslims thereafter, to continue trying to wipe out Israel and all Jews.  

Perhaps that persistant Muslim horde requires God to step in, wipe out the  Muslim horde that is surrounding & attacking Israel, thereby saving Israel.

Time will soon tell.

Comments, suggestions, or additional data points to add?  Please fill in a comment below.

Salvation & Protection

For unrepentant sinners, God hates their evil deeds (Psalm 5:5), is angry at them every day (Psalm 7:11), hates their actions (Proverbs 6:18), hates their worship (Proverbs 15:8), hates their ways (Proverbs 15:9), hates their thoughts (Proverbs 15:26), is far from the wicked (Prov. 15:29), and refuses to hear their prayers for help (John 9:31, Isaiah 59:1-2, Jer. 7:16, Mica 3:4; Ezek 8:18, 1 Pet 3:12).

Prayers of an unrepented sinner are an abomination to God, and become sin in themselves (Prov 28:9, Ps 109:7).

Unlike the unrepentant sinners, God hears the prayers of the righteous (Prov. 15:29, Ps. 34:17-19), & helps the righteous, obedient, children of God:

[Psa 34:17-19 KJV] "17 The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. 18 The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. 19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all."

2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

Unrepentant sinners will be tried by God & convicted, then thrown alive into Hell (ie. The Lake of Fire), where they will have no rest, neither day nor night, but suffer burning & torment for ever & ever (Rev. 14:11, 20:10, 15). There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 8:12, 13:42, 50; 22:13, 24:51, 25:30; Luke 13:28)

If you want to go to Heaven, and avoid Hell, you must confess & repent all your sins to God, and ask for God's forgiveness; be a Born Again Christian who received the Holy Spirit's baptism by fire; fully believes in the true Jesus Christ; love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; loves all others as you love yourself; forgives the trespasses of all others; seeks to lovingly obey God's commandments; get all iniquity (pre-planned, or chronic sin) out of your life; hate sin; pick up your cross & follows Jesus by sharing your testimony, preaching the Gospel, and doing good works as proof of your salvation; don't do the Unforgiveable Sin; and don't take the Mark of the Beast.

If you aren't a fool, here is a link to what you need to know & do immediately.  

This is urgent, as WW3 begins within a few hours to a few weeks, so don't delay.  All are welcome to fully join God's winning side.

The following is a summary of 300+ Bible verses to help you quickly get started.

God's 26 Commandments for Christians


Sunday 7 July 2024

Only Begotten

[Heb 11:17 KJV] "17 By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son,"

V. 17 says "only begotten".  How is Isaac the "only begotten" son of Abraham?

Abraham had 8 sons (Gen 16:15, 21:3, 25:1-2).

Isaac wasn't the first son of Abraham.  Isaac was the 2nd born from Abraham.

Isaac was "special", Gen 17:19, of the promise, not just of the seed of Abraham.  Isaac was of God's promise, not just a mere descendant of Abraham by the flesh.

The Greek G3439 is "monogenes": meaning special,  one of a kind.

Strong’s Definitions

μονογενής monogenḗs, mon-og-en-ace'; from G3441 and G1096; only-born, i.e. sole:—only (begotten, child).

KJV Translation Count — Total: 9x

The KJV translates Strong's G3439 in the following manner: only begotten (6x), only (2x), only child (1x).


Jesus is the only begotten Son of God (Ps. 2:7, John 1:14, 18; John 3:16-18; Acts 13:33, 1 John 5:1, Heb 1:5; Heb 5:5; 1 John 4:9; 1 John 5:1; Rev 1:5).  

In other words, Jesus is declared special and unique by God's sovereign decree.

Psalm 2:7 calls Jesus the only begotten Son of God at His resurrection, as clarified by Acts 13:33 and the other verses shown above.

Jesus being "begotten" does not mean that the eternal soul of Jesus (ie. previously known as the Son of Man, then also the Son of God, then also The Lamb of God, etc.), was created (nor born, nor fathered, nor sexually reproduced, etc.) by God the Father.  That misinterpretation of the Bible therefore leads some cults (ie. like the JW's and others), & individuals to wrongly assume that Jesus Christ, fully man and fully God,  has not existed from eternity past.

Yes, the flesh of Jesus was born, then died.  However, the eternal soul of Jesus Christ, the God part of Jesus Christ, existed forever.

The second person of the Trinity (ie. Son of Man, Son of God, Jesus Christ, The Lamb of God, etc.) has existed from eternity past, and will continue to exist to eternity future.  There has never been a point in time when this second person of The Trinity did not exist.