High Priority Posts

High Priority Posts

We live in troubled times. The 7 years of God's End Times likely begin on or about Sept. 17-28, 2020 with many tribulations occurring soon thereafter (ie. evil events by Satan &/or judgements by God).

If you suddenly die before you are a Born Again, True Christian, you are doomed to eternity in Hell. With End Times starting soon, many more people (thousands to millions to billions more) will die through Satan's evil plans. DO NOT ignore this warning, nor procrastinate!

Here is what you need to know, and take immediate action on:

1. Likely sequence of events during God's End Times Document Section, https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/p/documents.html

2. God's 26 Commandments for Christians (includes detailed instructions on how to become a Born Again True Christian): Document Section, https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/p/documents.html

3. Human Transition towards Eternity (Heaven or Hell). Every human will have eternal life; some in Heaven, most in Hell. This diagram describes who, how, when, and why someone goes to Heaven or Hell. https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2020/08/human-transition-towards-eternity.html

Thursday 19 September 2019

Israel Elections: King Maker & God's End Time Process

Netanyahu must make a deal to form a government colition, so he can continue as Prime Minister & avoid jail.

Now that's some powerful motivation, both carrot and stick simultaneously.

The jail reference above is related to bribery & corruption allegations while he is Prime Minister, and prosecutors say it is a slam dunk conviction.  Other Israeli PM's have been accused in the past, and sent to jail.  Prosecutors will likewise convict & jail Netanyahu as soon as they get a chance, but as long as he is PM, policy says no charges and no court on a currently sitting PM.  But as soon as Netanyahu leaves his PM position, look out!

Will Netanyahu stoop so low, bend his principles, sell Israel down the river, and make a deal with the Devil, so as to save himself?

Time will tell.  I don't want to think badly of anybody, but:
  • We are starting to learn how crafty Satan is;
  • We know we are on the verge of entering End Times;
  • God's plan (unknown to me except via Bible prophecy) must continue exactly as planned;
  • Something like Netanyahu's current crisis will eventually have to occur if this current crisis isn't it.
  • The Blue & White party, neck & neck with Netanyahu in the election outcome, are likely anxious to make a deal so they can get into power, so if Netanyahu won't do the deal with the Devil, then Blue & White will likely jump at the chance.
  • Netanyahu, knowing that Blue & White will likely do similar to what he is forcec to do will likely do it first and save himself, rather than allowing Blue & White to make the deal and Netanyahu's life gets flushed down the toilet.  Rationalization that Israel gets sold out either way is a powerful motivator for us wicked humans.
Therefore I regretably conclude Netanyahu will make the deal with the Devil so as to save himself, or the Blue & White will take the Deal with the Devil if Netanyahu fails to do so.

The Arab faction worked hard to get the vote, out and won a number of seats in the Knesset.  Netanyahu has said he will form his colition with anybody except the Knesset-elected Arabs, so that means Netanyahu's coalition will be with the hawkish Avigdor Lieberman, or the ultra Orthodox faction.

Lieberman was the former Israeli Defense Minister who resigned in Nov. 2018 when his recommended retaliation attack against Gaza's chronic provocations and attacks against Israel was rejected by Netanyahu in favor of another ceasefire.  If Lieberman decides to allow Netanyahu to continue in government as PM, he obviously will want some concessions, a more hawkish approach no doubt.  Lieberman appears to be the Kingmaker for the next Israeli government ie.either Natanyahu or Blue & White).

Dr. Robert Mawire (Pastor in a Texas USA church, who has a strong connection with Israel) has claimed to be God's prophet, and to have twice warned Netanyahu (and once warned Aerial Sharone) that God would not tolerate any "land for peace" deal, and if the PM dared to endorse such a deal, God would remove them as Israel's leader.  First time, Netanyahu didn't listen, and his government collapsed shortly after backed a "land for peace" deal.  Ariel Sharone was Prime Minister from 2001 - 2006, and was warned by Dr. Mawire also, but Sharone didn't listen to God either, so Sharone had an incapacitating stroke shortly after backing a "land for peace" deal, was in a coma for many years, then died in 2014.  Dr. Mawire re-warned Netanyahu in 2009 when Netanyahu regained his Prime Minister leadership position; no "land for peace" deal will be tolerated by God.

I don't know if Lieberman has been cautioned yet by one of God's prophets (or by Netanyahu).  Possibly Lieberman will be inclined to do a "land for peace" deal, and will force Netanyahu's hand in spite of God's warning.

If Netanyahu makes the deal with the ultra orthodox, that likely means a settlement land grab, nationalizing disputed territories, taking control of Temple Mount, building the Third Temple, restarting animal sacrifices, and so on.  Any or all of that will likely drive Palastinians and their Muslim allies crazy, especially Shia Muslims in Iran, leading to immediate war against Israel.

Either way, it's war.

Sounds like God will allow Satan to get his way on this round, so as to move things along to the final outcome.

Prepare yourselves for Middle East War.

As stated previously, it may go nuclear soon after it starts.

Please!   Become a Born Again Christian

None of the above worries me, because in Feb. 2019, I moved from my 52 years of luke-warm, nominal Christian life, and became a Born Again Christian.

You can do it too.

Salvation from Hell and eternal life of peace and harmony in Heaven is a limited time offer for all who choose to be Born Again Christian.  When you were conceived, your name was written in God's Book of Life.  Sin, if left to fester and convict, will kill the deal, and blot your name out from the Book of Life.

If you confess your sins, repent, and ask for forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ, turn away from sin and turn towards God and His God's 26 Commandments for Christians, then you too can be saved.

Once you make the first move, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will fill you up, and help you continue to run away from sin and towards God, more & more, faster & faster.  You are now a Child of God, and will be granted peace and everlasting life in Heaven, and saved from the risk of Hell.

Don't delay.  There may soon be Rapture, or "Latter Day Rain", where Born Again Christians are translated to Heaven &/or sealed by God and strengthened from God's Judgements and Satan's persecutions.  This may be occurring some time in the next few days or weeks, nobody knows for sure.  Limited time opportunity!

For those who are still half baked Christians when Rapture, or "Latter Day Rain" occurs, you will have to continue through war (likely nuclear), famine, plagues, persecution, earthquakes & other weather disasters; the worst, most terrible times you could imagine, as you try to remove sin from your life.  After that, you only have 2 ways out:
  1. As a martyr in Christ, dying as Satan's victim of persecution by beheading; or alternatively
  2. Giving up on Christ, your salvation, and Heaven by accepting Satan's Mark of the Beast and choosing to go to Hell for eternal burning and torment (see below).

Today is the best day to turn from your sins.

How to Become A Child of Satan

Every day you delay from becoming a Child of God, your conscience inside you (the only part of you that knows right from wrong) is beaten down, dulled, and becomes weaker & weaker.  As you grow into your sins more and more each day, your conscience and the Holy Spirit inside you become weaker & weaker, and will eventually find your corrupt body no longer fit for habitation, so that eventually God's Holy Spirit will leave you, and you are doomed.  God calls this the hardening of your heart, like what happened to Pharaoh in Exodus when he refused to let Moses & God's people go.

You are now the tool of Satan, there is no hope for you.  Chronic sin has caused you to repeatedly reject the Holy Spirit, thereby committing blasphamy against the Holy Spirit again & again; the only unforgivable sin (see here, here, and here).  You are now ready to accept the Mark of the Beast, and become a full fledged Child of Satan.  You now have reserved seating in Hell, to be burned & tormented forever & ever.


Today is the best day to turn from your sin.  DO IT NOW!

Repent now before it's too late.

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