High Priority Posts

High Priority Posts

We live in troubled times. The 7 years of God's End Times likely begin on or about Sept. 17-28, 2020 with many tribulations occurring soon thereafter (ie. evil events by Satan &/or judgements by God).

If you suddenly die before you are a Born Again, True Christian, you are doomed to eternity in Hell. With End Times starting soon, many more people (thousands to millions to billions more) will die through Satan's evil plans. DO NOT ignore this warning, nor procrastinate!

Here is what you need to know, and take immediate action on:

1. Likely sequence of events during God's End Times Document Section, https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/p/documents.html

2. God's 26 Commandments for Christians (includes detailed instructions on how to become a Born Again True Christian): Document Section, https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/p/documents.html

3. Human Transition towards Eternity (Heaven or Hell). Every human will have eternal life; some in Heaven, most in Hell. This diagram describes who, how, when, and why someone goes to Heaven or Hell. https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2020/08/human-transition-towards-eternity.html

Saturday 7 September 2024

Peace & Security, then WW3?

On Sept. 5, 2024 the President of the UN General Assembly presented his digital Handbook on the role of the UN General Assembly in matters of international "peace and security". 

"Peace and Security" is the exact   wording in 1 Thes 5:3 for ESV, BSB, BLB, CSB, HCSB, D-RB, ISV, LSV, MSB, NAB, NET, and NRSV Bible versions (12 versions).

"Peace and safety" is the wording used by KJV, NKJV, NIV, NASB, NASB 1995, NASB 1977, LSB, AB, ASV, ERV, NHEB, WBT, WNT, and WEB Bible versions (14 versions).  Strong's gives "security" as an alternate meaning for G803 [asphaleia] that was translated as "safety" by these 14 versuons. 

Therefore, these 14 versions could be seen as equivalent to the previous 12 versions, for an equivalent total of 26 Bible versions that match the UN's declaration of "peace and security".

There are 5 other Bible versions (ABPE, CEV, GWT, GNT, YLT) that take different slants.

It is the UN, the combined governments of the world, that are saying "peace and security".  It is them, the governments of the world that, if 1 Thes 5:3 truly applies, to whom sudden destruction applies.

By definition, WW3 would be a  world-wide, universal destruction event.  Everybody on Earth can expect significant consequences from a world-wide nuclear war; even if it is a limited nuclear exchange. 

Daniel's 7:5 "three ribs" countries (ie. likely USA, UK, & France) will take the majority of the damage, but all the world will be affected, as the Bible says 2 Billion people will be dead or dying after the 1 hour long WW3.

The Bible says "sudden destruction".  Certainly 1 hour is sudden.  It might also mean that it is a short crescendo (or no crescendo) of foreshadowing events prior to the WW3 destruction.



Erin, an End Times prophetess of God has posted another dream:

Dream 843 – I Will Shake Thrones and Topple Kings

Received on Saturday, September 7, 2024


Salvation & Protection

Get close to God, even if you have a reinforced steel & concrete bunker under your house.  

Only with God, as a Born Again, obedient child of God, with a loving intimate relationship with Jesus Christ are you truly safe.  

As a Ttue Christian, that likely means you pray to God more than 5 times each day, read your Bible at least an hour each day, have gotten all iniquity out of your life (ie. pre-planned, wilfull, or chronic sin), love God with all your heart mind soul & strength, love everyone else as you love yourself, forgiven everybody who has trespassed against you & hold no grudges or bitterness, at least weekly you pick up your cross & follow Jesus by giving your testimony and preaching the Gospel to every creature.

For those who are not yet qualified as a True Christian (see above), then you are a luke-warm Christian, or a hypocrite, or a wolf in sheep's clothing, in this case, the following is for you: 

For unrepentant sinners, God hates their evil deeds (Psalm 5:5), is angry at them every day (Psalm 7:11), hates their actions (Proverbs 6:18), hates their worship (Proverbs 15:8), hates their ways (Proverbs 15:9), hates their thoughts (Proverbs 15:26), is far from the wicked (Prov. 15:29), and refuses to hear their prayers for help (John 9:31, Isaiah 59:1-2, Lam 3:44, Prov 15:29, Jer. 7:16, Mica 3:4; Ezek 8:18, 1 Pet 3:12).

Prayers of an unrepented sinner are an abomination to God, and become sin in themselves (Prov 28:9, Ps 109:7).

Unlike the unrepentant sinners, God hears the prayers of the righteous (Prov. 15:29, Ps. 34:17-19), & helps the righteous, obedient, children of God:

[Psa 34:17-19 KJV] "17 The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. 18 The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. 19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all."

2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

Unrepentant sinners will be tried by God & convicted, then thrown alive into Hell (ie. The Lake of Fire), where they will have no rest, neither day nor night, but suffer burning & torment for ever & ever (Rev. 14:11, 20:10, 15). There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 8:12, 13:42, 50; 22:13, 24:51, 25:30; Luke 13:28)

If you want to go to Heaven, and avoid Hell, you must confess & repent all your sins to God, and ask for God's forgiveness; be a Born Again Christian who received the Holy Spirit's baptism by fire; fully believes in the true Jesus Christ who is fully God and fully man; love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; loves all others as you love yourself; forgives the trespasses of all others; seeks to lovingly obey God's commandments; get all iniquity (pre-planned, or chronic sin) out of your life; hate sin; pick up your cross & follows Jesus by sharing your testimony, preaching the Gospel, and doing good works as proof of your salvation; don't do the Unforgiveable Sin; and don't take the Mark of the Beast.

If you aren't a fool, here is a link to what you need to know & do immediately.  

This is urgent, as WW3 likely begins within a few hours to a few months, so don't delay.  All are welcome to fully join God's winning side.

The following is a summary of 300+ Bible verses to help you quickly get started.

God's 26 Commandments for Christians


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