High Priority Posts

High Priority Posts

We live in troubled times. The 7 years of God's End Times likely begin on or about Sept. 17-28, 2020 with many tribulations occurring soon thereafter (ie. evil events by Satan &/or judgements by God).

If you suddenly die before you are a Born Again, True Christian, you are doomed to eternity in Hell. With End Times starting soon, many more people (thousands to millions to billions more) will die through Satan's evil plans. DO NOT ignore this warning, nor procrastinate!

Here is what you need to know, and take immediate action on:

1. Likely sequence of events during God's End Times Document Section, https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/p/documents.html

2. God's 26 Commandments for Christians (includes detailed instructions on how to become a Born Again True Christian): Document Section, https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/p/documents.html

3. Human Transition towards Eternity (Heaven or Hell). Every human will have eternal life; some in Heaven, most in Hell. This diagram describes who, how, when, and why someone goes to Heaven or Hell. https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2020/08/human-transition-towards-eternity.html

Sunday 20 October 2019

End of World Prophecy

### Begin Update #1,   2019-11-2    ###

Brexit did not occur as planned & expected on Oct. 31, 2019.  However the house of world's finances (stock markets, bonds, derivatives, real estate, global trade, etc.) is teetering at the edge of the cliff, as huge storm waves crash against the cliff, causing landslides every few minutes.  The fate is sealed, it's just a matter of time till the big landslide occurs, all of the world's investments are undermined, they collapse onto the rocks and waves at the base of the cliff, then are washed away to never be seen again.

Therefore stay under cover, keep your powder dry, do not be fooled by the eerie calm of today.

Nov. 9, 2019 is the 777th day after the biblical sign of Revelation 12 appeared in the heavens on Sept 23, 2017. The number "777" is biblical, associated with "Perfect Completion".  It is also the day that the Jewish calendar says Methusalah died.  In the Hebrew language, Methusalah means "after he dies, the end comes".  Jewish history says there was 3 days of mourning at his death, then the rain started for the Great Flood.

It is unknown who the modern day Methusalah will be, or exactly what will occur on Nov. 9th, 2019, but with the teetering house of world finances, the crashing waves, and the craziness everywhere, this can't continue forever.

May God bless you and keep you.  Be sure to pray continuously, read God's 26 Commandments for Christians, and follow the life saving instructions at the end.

### End of Update #1,   2019-11-2 ###

Hold on world, fasten your seatbelts!  As crazy as the world is today, it will soon go insane.  You need to be aware so you can protect yourself and your family.

I am not a prophet.  To the best of my knowledge, God has never spoken directly to me.  I am a retired Professional Engineer with 42 years industrial experience, 19 years as a Management Consultant running my own business.  I have good research skills.  I researched this issue for last 4 years, identifying the experts who consistently know what is going on.  Here is what I found.

Ignore or scoff at your peril.

You need to get yourself and your family Rapture Ready as soon as possible (see below).

I previously posted how Daniel's 9:25-27 prophecy is now fulfilled as of 2019.  Four other prophets said End Times start in Fall of 2019.

Based on my Engineering and Risk Management background of 30 years, I estimate between 30% to 70% probability that 1 or more of these events will occur on or about the dates specified.  I, or one or more of the experts upon whom I rely may be wrong.

Is This a Real Risk, or Can I Go Back To Sleep?

There are approximately 800,000 days from 32 AD (when Jesus Christ was crucified), until today.  On many or most of these 800,000 days, likely 1 or more people wrongly assumed that it was the day Jesus would return to Earth as His 2nd Coming.  Up until now  all of them have been wrong, close to a 1 in a million chance.

Perhaps you (or someone you know) regularly buy lottery tickets where the grand prize odds are 1 in 40 million or so.  Approximately 60% of lottery players say buying lottery tickets is how they plan for retirement. Why would you  buy lottery tickets with 1 in 40 million odds if these slim odds should be ignored?  The 2nd Coming of Christ currently has 40 times higher likelihood than you winning the grand lottery prize.  In other words, you should pay attention and take this 2nd Coming of Christ prophecy serious.

What's Going To Happen?

Based on all the above, I present the following detailed, likely scenario.

  1. God leased this world to Satan after man's fall from Garden of Eden, to do as Satan pleases, within broad limits set by God.  Never forget, Satan is jealous of humans, hates humans, and wants to destroy as many humans as possible.  Satan hates God, and wants to upset God by stealing &/or destroying His creation.  Satan wants humans to hate God. Satan wants you weak and dependent upon him, his vices, or his governments (eg. drugs; alcohol; sex; porn; sports; TV; pulp fiction; entertainment; games; Internet; money greed; obesity; disease; lame; disability; control of food supply, water, energy, heat, electricity, transportation, etc.).  Satan wants discord & distrust (eg. divorce, disrespect, sexual perversion, adultery, distrust, cheating, lying, stealing, arguments, threats, name calling, fights, bigotry, infighting, selfishness, racism, delinquency, crime, war, etc.).  Satan wants to have as many humans as possible coming to Hell with Satan, and lose out on eternal peace in Heaven with God.  DO NOT trust Satan, as Satan will temp you, bribe you, lie to you, cheat you, & defraud you; whatever is necessary so as to use you, then destroy you.  You have been warned!
  2. If you are already weakened or trapped by Satan, your only escape is to confess your sins & weaknesses, repent, then call upon Jesus Christ through heart felt prayer to save you. Do it today without delay, there isn't much time left to save yourself.
  3. Israeli elections on Sept. 17 2019 created a lame duck non-government. The political factions will flop around and jockey for position for the next 6 weeks. Animal sacrifices on alter of Jerusalem's Third Temple began on Sept. 26, 2019 then they signed the 70 Nations Covenant.
  4. President Trump will likely release his full "Deal of the Century" peace plan for the Middle East on or about Oct. 25, 2019 (delayed, see Update #1). This will likely propose division of Israel in "land for peace", contrary to God's covenant with Israel. With man's intent to defy God and His covenant with Israel, God will therefore withdraw His steadying hand from this world, enabling  all Hell to break loose.
  5.  World financial markets are cracking & teetering as you read this. The U.S. Federal Reserve is currently dumping $25 Billion/ day, to as much as $100 Billion/day into overnight repo loans to any & all U.S. based banks that have liquidity problems. In addition, they have also restarted QE4, with even more billions of extra liquidity for banks, indicating that many banks are teetering on the edge of a financial cliff.
  6.  Brexit on Oct. 31, 2019 (delayed, see Update #1) will likely cause total lockup of world banks (ie. A Minsky Moment).   Stock markets, bond markets, precious metals, crypto,  etc. will seize up or destabilize.  ATM's, credit cards, & debit cards may stop working, and bank branches closed for 1 to 15 days. You need cash in your pocket to ride you over for at least 15 days to 3 months.
  7.  Any deposits or investments held in the banks, credit unions, stock brokers, etc. may be confiscated (or digitally vaporize, subject to you proving ownership in Court during next 10 years, good luck!)  by new banking laws so as to refloat the bank & others after the crash, just like they did to thousands of people in Greece, Cyprus, and elsewhere.
  8. You need to immediately get yourself Rapture Ready.  To be Rapture Ready,  see the document section of this Blog, download a copy of God's 26 Commandment for Christians, read it over, then carefully follow the instructions at the bottom of that document.  You need to practice what you promised, by removing all iniquity (ie. Pre-planned sin) from your life.  Being a hypocrite (ie. Say one thing, do something else), or iniquity will guarantee you are left behind at Rapture.
  9.  Rapture High Watch Date Nov. 1, 2019 (delayed, see Update #1). Are you Rapture-Ready as a Born Again Christian who practices all of God's 26 Commandments for Christians? If not, your fate may be soon sealed to an eternity of shoveling coal for Satan in Hell, with continual torment thrown in.
  10.  False Flag Attack on Mecca is likely on or about Nov. 2, 2019 (delayed, see Update #1). I don't know the true attacker (ie. the "10 Kings") but Israel &/or USA will be blamed.
  11. Muslim Nations will likely activate hundreds to thousands of terrorist sleeper cells as immediate retribution for Mecca being destroyed, causing terrorist attacks throughout the Western world.
  12. Secondly, all or most Muslim countries will immediately attack Israel with vengeance.
  13. Israel has world's 5th largest nuclear weapons cache. Nukes &/or WMD's may be used to stop this massed Muslim attack on Israel.
  14. Russia has repeatedly warned that if Russia or its allies (eg. Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Gaza, Turkey, Venezuela, etc.) are attacked by nuclear weapons, Russia will return fire with nuclear weapons.
  15. Likely Russia, China, N. Korea, and possibly Turkey or Pakistan will launch a limited nuclear response. A million to a Billion people may be vaporized.
  16. Following the financial collapse and limited nuclear war, the AntiChrist will rise on or about Nov. 21, 2019 through the United Nations &/or the Sanhedrin's 70 Nations.
  17. The AntiChrist's totalitarian evil dictatorship of entire planet will be in place by Dec. 10, 2019.  This will include the Mark of the Beast.
  18. The Mark of the Beast will likely begin as voluntary at first, then with more & more consequences if you refuse.  Eventually, those refusing to take the Mark of the Beast will be arrested, tried, convicted, sentenced to death, and tortured.  After 10 days on Death Row, if you still refuse to take the Mark, you will be beheaded as a martyr of Jesus Christ.  This is one of the best reasons for making every necessary effort to be Raptured to Heaven on Nov. 1, 2019 (delayed, see Update #1 above).
  19. Woe to all half-baked, luke-warm Christians, and all Jews who were not Raptured on Nov. 1, 2019 (delayed, see Update #1) and survived WW3 starting on Nov. 2 (delayed, see Update #1), for now Satan's persecution of them begins on Dec. 10, 2019 and continues as AntiChrist's reign of terror for next 3.5 years. 

No matter what, Don't take the AntiChrist's Mark of the Beast (starting on or about Dec. 15, 2019).

 Instead, call on God's Holy Spirit, and on Jesus Christ, and His blood of salvation; to strengthen you and give you hope for Heaven as you are persecuted, imprisoned, tortured, & beheaded as a martyr of Jesus Christ (see "God's 26 Commandments for Christians", above)

 For more info see: https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2019/09/middle-east-war.html

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